Chapter 27 Joseph 

We are about to leave our suite when my phone starts ringing and I see I have a video–call from an unknown number. I pick up to be faced with a very angry looking little boy and I can see his Wolf is right there with him. “Joseph, are you okay?” I ask. 
Apollo steps closer to me and soon I hear him over the mind–link telling the others who I have on the phone. “Thees, I don’t want them as my parents. I want to come home.” Joseph growls and I see that Xanthos is typing on his phone, but I have no idea with whom. 
“Joseph, can you tell me what happened?” I ask him, even though I have a feeling this has to do with what Josh told me and I think he connected a few dots on his own. He tells me what he has been feeling ever since I told him about my fated Mate and how he felt something was off with his parents after that. 
He explains that after Neill told him the truth he realized that his parents had lied to him his whole life and that certain things finally started to make sense, like his Dad coming out of Harver’s room in the middle of the night. Or his Mom coming out of the room of one of the Warriors back home. 
“When I saw Alpha Amarah looking at Daddy I knew he had hurt her in some way, but it wasn’t until Luna Maeve told me that by rejecting her he hurt both her and her Wolf that Griffin really pushed forward. We don’t like what they did to her and if I can’t come home we will run away.” He answers me. 
“Joseph, I am not saying you can’t come home. We just need to find away to get you home without starting a war with your Grandfather. Do you understand that?” I ask him and after a short silence he tells me he understands. 
A noise in the background makes him turn his head and soon Luna Maeve appears on my screen, “Alpha Theseus, I will take him with me while you try to figure out a way to get custody. I will tell his parents it might be best if they are apart for a few days, that Joseph needs to come to terms with what he discovered today. 
I will tell them that as long as he is around them he will stay angry at them, Alpha Elias will help me convince them without realizing it. Appearance is everything to him and a little boy having tantrums is something he can do without.” She says and I actually smile, because she is absolutely right. 
“Luna Maeve, take my number from that phone and text me once the two of you are on your way to your Pack. I am on my way to a very important meeting, a meeting I hope will give me a lot of answers I have been looking for.” I say before we disconnect the call and I step into the elevator. 
We are all quiet as we make our way over to Alpha Amarah’s suite and the closer we get the more annoying Linus becomes. We can all tell that Midas is annoyed with his Wolf and I assume he is dealing with the same thing I am, like it seems the rest is dealing with as well. 
“Mate, Mate.“Linus yells in my head and I see my men have strange looks on their faces, “Let me guess. Your Wolves are yelling Mate.” I say and four heads snap in my direction. Before I can say anything else. the elevator ding sounds and the door slowly opens. 
Probably not as slowly as it seems to go, but with my Mate on the other side of that door it can’t open fast enough in my opinion. 
Since midnight Roman has been acting strange, he is more restless than he has ever been before and I am getting so damn annoyed with him. I have been arguing with him every waking moment, but he won’t back down and putting up a block doesn’t help either. 
Seeing Joseph made him back down for a few minutes, but the moment we got in the elevator to go up to Alpha Amarah’s suite he came back full force and the higher the elevator rose the worse it got. The moment he starts yelling “Mate, Mate.” I finally understand. 
It looks as if our conversation from last night is about to come true and I am surprised to hear Theseus‘ remark. I have to suppress a smile as I realize that he has also found his second chance Mate, just like Midas. I see the impatient look on his face as the elevator doors open, probably not fast enough to his liking. 
“Livia, what the hell is going on with you?” I ask my Wolf like my friends my Wolf has bee ever since midnight and I am slowly losing my patient with her. “I don’t know, Rhea. It feels as if something 
annoying me is about to change, but I am not sure if it is good or bad.” She answers me. 
Amarah has been pacing the living room for the last hour and every time someone says something to her she snaps, which is so not like her. I hope that whatever has Livia agitated will turn out to be something good, because I don’t think I or Amarah can handle anything else at the moment. 
“Mate, Mate” Livia yells in my head and I know that there are only five males on their way up here, so I can narrow down who it might be quit fast. Amarah, lone, Eos and Melia step into the hallway leading to the elevator at the same time as I do. 
I hear mumbling behind us, but I am not registering it as I hear the ding of the elevator doors and if I didn’t know any better I would say that the doors are opening way to slow. 
Minerva hasn’t said anything, but she has been pacing my mind since midnight and I know my friends are going through the same thing with their Wolves. A part of me hopes that Mom is correct in her assumptions, but on the other hand I hope she is wrong. 
What if my second chance Mate is the same as Damien or maybe even worse, I don’t want to think about that and the moment Minerva starts yelling “Mate, Mate.” in my head I sigh in relief, because I know who are on their way up. I also know they will never treat a female the way Damien did. 
I watch as the elevator doors open and before I can say anything I see Theseus rush out in my direction, he stops right in front of me as I hear everyone around us mutter, “Fuck.” He looks at me as he slowly lifts his hand towards my face. 
For a moment I think about running from him, for a moment I want to ask the Goddess what kind of cruel sense of humor she has. I don’t do ther as I look into his eyes and I realize that Theseus is the better man out of the two Brothers, that he doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable like most males. 
“I will never hurt you. I have been waiting so long for you and I will protect you with my last breath if I have to.” He whispers as he places his hand against my cheek and I know he is sincere, he will never 
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I let my eyes glide towards my friends and I burst out in laughter as I see Eos‘ thoughts have become true, we are all mated to one and other, lone with Ajax. Melia with Apollo, Eos with Xanthos and Rhea with Midas and that leaves us with a huge problem in the form of Asteria and Inti. 
Theseus follows my line of sight and joins me in laughter as I hear Mom and Delia squeal in the background. “Alpha Theseus, I know this might not be what you and your men want to hear, but I think it is best if we discuss a few things before you take this any further.” My Father says. 
My cheeks change into a few shades of red at his words, but I know that he is right and it looks like Theseus agrees with him as he slides his arm around my waist to guide me to our living room. “Alp.. Atlas, 1 think there are a few things that need to be cleared up.” He says and I see Dad looking strangely at him. 
“I apologize. I didn’t know that you stepped down. It will take some time to get used to, to not refer to you as the Alpha anymore. Theseus says as he looks at Dad and with that he confirms something we have suspected for a long time, he never read the notification from the Council. 
Once we are all seated I see that Theseus is looking around the room and I ask him what he is looking for. “I am wondering where your Beta, Gamma and Deltas are.” He says and for a moment I don’t know how to answer him, until I figure out he doesn’t know that our entire leadership is made up out females. 
“In this room.” I answer him as I look at him and 1 sec confusion in his eyes. “My Dad’s Beta, Gamma 
and Deltas all have a female as a first born and they took over from their Fathers when I took over.” I explain to him and for a moment he looks at me a bit dumbfounded. 
“Sorry, I should have figured out that if your Father handed over his position to you the entire leadership in your Pack would be taken over by a first born.” He says and I hear Melia giggle as I hear Apollo mutter “Fuck” as it sinks into his brain that his Mate is my Gamma. 
Delia walks in with coffee and as she places it on the table she looks at Theseus, “Thank you for having my back last night, Alpha Theseus.” She says before she walks over to Alastor. “Delia, you are more than welcome and please drop the Alpha.” He responds. 
A notification on his phone pulls his attention away from the rest of us for a moment and after he has read it he sighs in relief. 
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