Chapter 21 Genes 

Minerva has been pacing in my head ever since we left the dining room, she didn’t like the way one of the unmated females was looking at Theseus and I have to do my best not to laugh at her. “Why can’t some females wait for their fated Mate?” She growls and we both know I don’t have the answer either. 
Sometimes a male or a female takes a chosen Mate after their first Mate died and they have been. waiting years for a second chance Mate, those are the ones we can all understand. It is the ones that take a chosen Mate just because of the rank that we don’t understand. 
Females usually take a chosen Mate to get a High–ranking Mate and males tend to take a chosen Mate when they think they might get a “weak” fated Mate, but when it comes to fated Mates they are never “weak” as a fated Mate is the one that will strengthen you. 
If a male or a female thinks their fated Mate is weaker than them they reject them in most cases, but I have known Werewolves and Lycans that took the time to get to know their fated Mate and in the end none of them rejected their fated Mate. 
My Mother was an Omega in a Pack my Father visited a few years before he took over from my Grandfather, her Alpha told Dad to reject Mom as she was just an Omega. Mom told me she expected him to reject her, but everyone had been stunned when Dad announced loudly, “I, Atlas the future Alpha of White Crescent Pack accept you Anthea as my Mate and Luna.” 
I never knew about this and Dad told me that Mom’s former Pack still holds a grudge and it had taken my Grandfather a lot of talking and some threats to get Mom’s parents and younger Sister out of that Pack as well. In the end it was an alliance between our Packs that resolved the issue, but it was torn up when I took over as Alpha. 
Minerva growls in my head as Eos tells us what happened in the dining room after we left and Delia is staring at her with wide eyes as Eos recounts the story Midas told. Alastor is laughing his ass off and I actually smile as I hear that Midas did as the female’s Father had demanded. 
lone decides to crash with Eos and Rhea to give me some time to myself and I sit down in an armchair in front of the window, just letting my mind wander to my two matches today, I didn’t ask anyone to watch the others competitors fight, I don’t need to know their weakness as my name will be drawn last every time. 
Minerva keeps bringing up images of Theseus and I try to get her mind of the man that has been hunting my dreams since the first time I saw him. Before I started our exercise I had only glanced at the males, but after we left the clearing I took in all the males and Minerva had asked me if I was finally considering a chosen Mate. 
“If Tomorrow we don’t find our second chance Mate, maybe we could ask Alpha Theseus.” Minerva says and I ask her why not one of the other men. Ajax is a Beta, 6“3 with blond hair and marble grey eyes, Apollo is just a tat taller at 6” with dark brown hair and pure hazel eyes. 
All men are taller than my 5“11 as Xanthos is 6“3 with light brown hair and hazel eyes and Midas is also 6“3 with dark blond hair and grey eyes, but Theseus is the tallest of them with his 6“5, jet black hair and ocean blue eyes. I think that is also the reason why Minerva mentioned him. 
Neither one of us wants a chosen Mate, but we love to tease the other with asking or talking about it and I know Minerva would never try to convince me to take Alpha Theseus as our chosen Mate. Not with him being Damien’s Brother and I doubt Theseus would accept knowing what his baby Brother. did to me. 
Minerva and I talk about tomorrow which is in less than thirty minutes and if this time we might be lucky enough to find him, if we can finally start a future we have wanted for many years now. “I just hope it is not a male with the same ideas as Alpha Crios.” I say. 
Minerva roars so unexpectedly I can’t stop it from escaping my throat and I know the entire Hotel heard her, I just smile as my friends and family rush into my room. “Sorry, I think I annoyed Minerva a little to much by telling her I hope we don’t find a Mate like Alpha Crios.” 
I decide to give Amarah some time to herself, she needs to be alone on the night our Full Moon days start and I always make sure no one disturbs her. It is a reminder of the night Damien rejected her and if she is not by herself it can get ugly. 
Eos and Rhea are discussing the men from Dark Mountain Pack and Melia is in stitches as Eos speaks out the hope that each of us will be mated to one of them, she even has us paired up with them. “Okay, who did you pair together?” I ask, but I know I am going to regret it. 
Well. I thought it for a while and I needed to deal with a few scenario’s before I had it perfect. Amarah is an Alpha of her Pack, so I figured Theseus was out. Eos is looking very serious as she speaks and walks back and forth at the end of the bed. “Then Ajax as a Beta would be the perfect Match, but then I figured she would kick his ass within a day and that wouldn’t be good for their relationship.” 
We try to keep our laughter in, but it is of no use with the mischievous look Eos gives us and we all know she is pulling our chains. “However, I would appreciate it if the Goddess did pair us with them. I mean, there is five of them and five of us and our Packs are neighbors.” 
The moment the words leave her mouth we all know the problem with what she said, “Shit, I forgot. No, the Goddess can’t be that cruel.” Eos whispers and I ask her if Alpha Theseus strikes her as a male that would turn her over, especially after he hears her story. 
We all know he won’t as he is known to be a fair but strict Alpha and ally. He would probably go and find Khonsu to kick his ass and tell him to stay away from Asteria, unless he wants to go to war with Alpha Theseus. We all laugh as we think about Amarah being mated to Theseus and Damien being- faced with her every single day. 
Damien must know he threw away the grand prize for a mediocre prize, someone with no use to him what so ever if Theseus ever finds his chosen Mate. We saw their Pup this morning and he will one day take over Dark Mountain Pack if Theseus doesn’t find his second chance Mate or takes a chosen Mate. 
“I don’t think Amarah would like to be confronted with that little bitch, I don’t think I would like that either.” Melia growls and we know that none of us will like it much, but she is mated to Damien and there for Theseus‘ Sister in Jaw. If the Goddess decides to pair us together we will find a way to deal with Damien and his Mate. 
“Okay, so if Eos gets what she wants we know of at least three who they will be mated to, but what about Eos and Rhea. I mean who do you think will be best suited for Eos or Rhea?” Melia asks as she looks at me I am the only one that enn see the look in her eure and I knoww partly what she is thinking 
“Well, lets see. Which combination will make the cutest Pups?” I say as I look from Eos to Rhea, “Auburn and light brown or auburn and dark blond. That could make some interesting Pups.” I muse as I keep looking from Eos to Rhea, but a mighty roar keeps me from speaking any further. 
We all recognize the roar and we rush out the door of our room to bolt into Amarah’s room with her family right behind us. Eos nearly chokes in laughter as Amarah tells us why Minerva was roaring and I hear Delia mumble Eww at her words. 
“Eos, let’s hope you’re right, because that will at least solve that problem.” Rhea states and I know Amarah will demand an explanation the moment she has send her family from the room. Atlas seems to understand Amarah wants answers we will not give as long as they are still in the room. 
“Sweetheart, don’t stay up to long. Alpha Theseus and his men will be here at eleven.” He says before he guides his Mate out of the room and Delia is pulling Alastor with her. Alastor grew up with us and he knows that Rhea’s remark probably has a good story behind it. 
Amarah–stares at Eos for a while until Eos gets uncomfortable and finally tells her what we had been discussing in our room. Amarah starts laughing the more Eos tells her and she is rolling on the bed by the time she gets to the start of our discussion on who would be mated to Eos; Xanthos or Midas. 
“And what was the outcome?” Amarah asks and Rhea tells her how far we got on that subject. “Okay, let me clarify something. Hair color is determined by genes and not by your hair color and that of your Mate.” I actually know that she is right, but it had been fun teasing Eos and Rhea. 
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