Chapter 20 All Eyes 

My family is used to the outfits I wear, but Dad did object a little when he saw my bare back and Mom told him to keep his eyes on the other Alphas and their families, “Our Daughter at least has taste when it comes to her outfits, I can guarantee you some will wear more revealing outfits.” 
Dad knows that Mom is right about that and I hear a few growls as Alastor brings up the outfit Damien’s Mate was wearing, it was a tight fitting little dress and it was way too short in my opinion. Delia pulls the hem of her dress all the way up and I burst out in laughter as she bents over in front of Alastor, who mutters “Fuck” as he looks at his Mate. 
Dad shakes his head as he teasingly says, “Behave yourself, Daughter.” Delia looks at him as she pulls her dress down, she smiles sweetly at him before she says, “I just mooned my Mate.” Mom turns away from Dad and Delia as she tries really hard to keep her laughter in, but as you can guess she fails miserably. 
After I discuss Theseus‘ request once more with everyone I decide to put the man out of his misery, I walk into the bedroom I share with lone as I dial the number from his card, “Hello, Alpha Theseus, This is Alpha Amarah.” I listen as he expresses that he is surprised to hear from me this fast. 
“I talked to my family about your request and I am willing to meet with you tomorrow.” I tell him I want to meet him and his men in my suite with the rest of my Pack–members, he reacts surprised to my request to meet in my suite and I suppress a smile at his tone. 
I feel the eyes of every unmated male on my back as I turn to face Alastor, he holds his hands up in surrender because he knows I don’t like the remark he made. Getting a second chance Mate happens, but it can take a long time before you find them and I have not given up hope yet. 
I hear low growls come from a table further to the back and as I turn towards our table I see Theseus and his men staring at some of the unmated males to show them they are not appreciative of the stares they give me. Dad nods his head at them with a smile on his face and Mom bows her head slightly towards them. 
Normally most of us would be attending a Full Moon party tonight, because as of midnight we will be able to find our fated Mate for the next three days and many Packs hold parties to help their Pack- members to find their fated Mate. We don’t have a party tonight as most have to get up early again for the matches of tomorrow. 
Many unmated males pay our table a visit and nearly each of them asks if I will be staying until after midnight, but Delia is quick to shoot them down every single time. The first time she askes me through the mind–link if she could answer and I had a feeling understood why she wanted to do it, so I gave her my permission. 
Every time she tells an Alpha, Beta or Gamma “Alpha Amarah doesn’t have time, she needs to rest to kick all of your asses in the next few days” I hear growls coming from the table behind me and I know exactly which Pack is seated there. 
Rhea tells me Theseus and his men laugh every time Delia speaks up, but that they also stare down Alpha Crios and his Pack–members. Delia has noticed too that they are the reason Alpha Crios or her Father doesn’t comment and she nods her head in thanks at Ajax. 
Alastor has even gotten up to thank them in person and the entire room goes quiet the moment he says, “See you tomorrow morning, Alpha Theseus.” He walks back to our table as we are all getting ready to leave and a lot of males and females stare between both tables. 
“If looks could kill, Alpha.” I hear lone say in my head and I roll my eyes at her, this is not something I wanted. Now all eyes will be on me during the entire Competition, even more than they already would have been. Now everyone would want to see what Alastor’s comment had been about. 
I know that rumors will be flying before breakfast and I can’t wait to hear all of them, not. A lot of the females that came with their Fathers and Brothers had been ogling Theseus and his men all day, but I doubt any of them had noticed it and if they did they hadn’t shown it. 
Linus growls in my head as the first unmated male finds the courage to walk up to Alpha Amarah’s table and I have to fight him to keep his growls in, which I am able to do with a lot of talking back and forth. I have no idea what his problem is, but it is getting annoying as hell. 
The male asks Amarah if she will be staying until after midnight and my men and I glare at the but I have to suppress a smile when I hear Delia say, “Sorry, but Alpha Amarah won’t have time to entertain you. She needs her rest to kick some more asses in the next few days.” 
I hear growls coming from her Father and Alpha Crios, while Ajax and Xanthos burst out in laughter. Apollo and Midas just stare at the males as to it” and neither gets up to put 
Say “don’t even think about her back in her place. Every time she speaks up half of us laugh while the other half glares at her Father and Alpha Crios. 
Alastor comes over to our table to thank us for keeping an eye on his Mate’s former Pack–members, “I am sure they would have made a scene if it hadn’t been for the five of you.” He says quietly, but as he walks away he says loud enough for everyone to hear, “See you tomorrow morning, Alpha Theseus.” 
Every conversation in the room comes to a stop and I see a lot of females stare daggers at Amarah, while others stare at me and my men. Linus is pressing forward, showing everyone he is not amused by their looks and thank the Goddess most have a brain. 
One female doesn’t seem to understand the glare Linus and I give her as she winks at me, before she gets up to walk over to our table. “Looks as our que to get going.“Ajax says in my head and everyone gets up at once. The female slows down as she is suddenly faced with five huge Werewolves. 
“Alpha Theseus, I was hoping you would stay until after midnight.” She says with what I guess is supposed to be a seductive smile on her face. Midas looks her up and down, before he turns to me and says, “Used goods.” The female’s face pales as her Father gets up to come to her aid. 
“Alpha Theseus, I do not appreciate your Delta to spread lies about my Daughter.” Her Father shouts angrily and I have to agree with him, Midas can not go around saying something like that just to scare the female away. I turn to Midas to scold him, but the look he gives me tells me he knows something 
no one else does. 
“Midas, care to explain yourself?” I ask him and the small smile that appears on his face doesn’t predict anything good, he turns to her Father as he says, “This is not a lie, she is no virgin and 
at is what I meant when I said used goods.” Her Father demands a more detailed explanation and I realize that when Midas is done he is going to regret that demand. 
Alpha Amarah and her Pack–members are no longer in the dining room and I wish I could go up to my suite as well, but I am going to be stuck here for a least a few more minutes. “I met your Daughter a year ago during a conference we had, you must remember that one Alpha.” He says as he looks at me. 
It takes me a minute to remember which conference he was talking about and that is when it hits me, this is the female that came on to all of my men. She also took a shot at me and that is when Midas offered himself up, just to get her away from me. 
He turns back to her Father as he starts telling him what happened during that conference and I see him getting angrier the more Midas tells him. When Midas is finally done he has met the demand to give a detailed explanation, but I doubt this is something he wanted to know about his Daughter. 
The female starts sobbing as he grabs her upper arm and drag her from the dining room, his Mate and all his Pack–members following them out. Midas has a smirk on his face as he stares after them and I know he has something else to say, “He asked, didn’t he.” Midas says. 
I see a few Alphas looking at their Daughters and I wonder if any of them ever tried anything with me or my men, “Just one. But she is mated now, so I doubt she will try anything.” Ajax answers my unspoken. question and we finally leave all the prying eyes behind. 
Linus has been restless ever since I got the call from Alpha Amarah and I have no idea what to do about his mood. 
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