Alpha Amarah 

+5 Pearls 
Chapter 10 Missing 
I am getting more annoyed by the minute, Damien seems to think he has already won the competition and Penelope is not helping him with her constant praise of how good he is. He has beaten every opponent so far, but then again he has picked the light–weights among our Warriors. 
He wouldn’t stand a chance if he went up against Ajax or Apollo, hell even Josh is able to kick his ass and he is not even the best Warrior I have. Ever since the invitation came I have been watching Damien and Penelope a little bit closer and I start to fear that the rumors around the Pack bear some truth. 
I confided in my men about my thoughts and like me they didn’t want to believe it, but there are some signs that contradict their claim of being fated Mates. I just hope they didn’t lie to me about it or it would have severe consequences for both of them. 
Ajax calls Josh over for a match against Damien, but as I suspected Damien knows he doesn’t have a chance against Josh and he tells Ajax he needs to finish the rest of his training schedule. He takes off running towards the forest at the back of our Pack and I see a smirk on Ajax’s face. 
“I knew he didn’t train as much as he is telling everyone, well not the kind of training that matters.” He tells mè and I smile widely at his assertion. Penelope sits down next to me and asks me if I can talk to Damien, “He is so busy training that he barely has time for me and Joseph.” She says. 
puts her hand on my arm and as I look down at her I see that her eyes are on my crotch. Her head is bent down, but I am still able to see that her eyes are filled with lust and I almost growl loudly at the woman. This definitely is the last piece of the puzzle and I quickly link Xanthos and Ajax. 
I know they will be watching us and once I am done with this conversation they will confirm what I already suspect, “Why isn’t he making time for you and Joseph, Penelope?” I ask. “He still has two weeks before the competition, so there is no need for him to neglect you or Joseph.” 
She moves a little closer to me and I have to restrain myself from moving away from her. “I don’t know, Theseus.” She answers and this time I am actually paying attention as she speaks. She is definitely trying to get some response out of me as her eyes are still on my crotch. 
“Alpha, you have a meeting in an hour. That leaves you with just enough time to shower and change into something less smelly.” Xanthos says as he walks towards me and Penelope lets her hand slide of 
my arm. 
We walk back to the Pack–house and as we walk up the stairs I link Apollo and Midas, telling them to meet us in my private office. Ajax, Xanthos and I quickly head to our rooms to take a shower and change into something clean and comfortable. 
Apollo and Midas are talking about the competition as I walk in and moments later Xanthos and Ajax walk in. We are sitting in the armchairs I put in here after I took over from Dad and I got rid of the couches he had, these were much more comfortable, 
“Why did you call us here?” Midas asks and I like the fact that he never beats around the bush, none of them will take the long way round if they can go there in a straight line. Ajax tells them about Damien and his reaction when he had called Josh over. 
12.57 Fri, Aug 16 
Chapter 10 Missing 
+5 Pearls 
I tell them about Penelope and Ajax and Xanthos confirm my suspicions of what I thought I saw, making Midas burst out in laughter. Apollo stares at him and it takes a few moments before he is able to explain himself. 
“She always put females in their place when they talked about you and with that I mean sexual tinted comments. I always thought she was looking out for you, but apparently she was just scaring them away for her own benefit.” He says and we all go quiet thinking about what Midas just told us. 
I don’t think I have ever heard any conversation like that and by the looks on the other’s faces they have neither. Midas tells us this was in the first few years after Damien found Penelope and I had been very busy with turning the Pack to my vision. 
I think back to those years and I have to admit to myself that I was to busy to notice something like that, I probably would have ignored it anyway. I never pay much attention to conversations that don’t hold no interest for me. 
Ajax tells me we should keep an eye on Damien and Penelope and everyone agrees I shouldn’t be left alone, especially not with her around. “Do you think we should follow Damien around, try to find out what is going on.” Ajax asks, but Midas tells him that won’t be necessary. 
Lask him why not, because if they are chosen Mates handing over the Pack to Joseph will decrease our strength even further, “Because you don’t have to hand over the Pack to Joseph, you can wait for your second chance Mate or you can find someone else to take over. 
It will be better than giving the title to Joseph and I believe if he takes over Damien will try to force his opinion on Joseph. I am not saying this is true, but I have always had the feeling that Damien was glad you never had an heir.” Midas says. 
Looking at Midas I nod my head, it was something that I had wondered myself and I think the smile on Damien’s face had nothing to do with his Son being born, but with the fact that there was an heir to the Alpha title. 
A week has passed since we realized something was really off with Damien and Penelope and I am starting to wonder if I should start making other arrangements for the Alpha title. Penelope keeps trying to get close to me and I am starting to lose patience with her. 
Josh links me that the Warriors of White Cresent Pack just walked into the clearing and I leave my office in a hurry, wanting to see the female that has been plaguing my dreams. Apollo and Ajax are right behind me and we meet Xanthos and Midas just before we reach the border. 
The weather is nice and warm as we step out of the tree–line and my jaw drops as my eyes get drown to Blondie, I know not the nicest way to describe someone. But we have no clue as to who she is, so we refer to her as Blondie. 
She is wearing black, battle gear with high–heeled boots, her ash–blonde hair falls in a braid down her back and I see that the group of males consists of the bulkiest men you can imagine. White Cresent Pack is known for their formidable Warriors and looking at the males I realize the stories are true. 
Two females are talking with the males and their heads move to Blondie from time to time, almost as if they are talking strategy. Xanthos points out that there are many spectators on their border and I see a lot of Pups sitting on the ground within their border, making it a safe place for them to watch from. 
The two females walk towards Blondie and her other friends and my evac nanrly non out of my head 
Chapter 10 Missing 
+5 Pearls 
as she takes of her jacket, revealing a very toned figure with black, floral tattoos marking her arms and back. 
She steps in front of the males with confidence, standing with her legs spread slightly and her arms crossed in front of her chest. As soon as the first male charges at her Linus starts growling in my head and I tell him to stop his over–possessive behavior, not that it is helping much as I understand he doesn’t like a male trying to take on a female. 
She keeps ducking, jumping and sliding as the males try to take the Flag from her, but none of them is successful and Linus has a huge grin on his face the moment the whistle sounds. Blondie triumphantly show them her Flag and the other females hold up the knifes she nicked from them. 
The Pups are cheering and clapping, but none of them speak her name and I feel disappointed that I am still unable to call her by her name. Even if it is only in my dreams and with my friends, she takes a bow towards the Pups and I have to suppress a groan as her pants draw tight around her ass. 
Xanthos chuckles as she turns around and takes a bow in our direction. Her emerald green eyes lock with my ocean blue eyes and for a moment I forget how to breath, a smirk appears on her face before she gives me a glare filled with hate and anger. 
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Apollo asks, but for the life of me I have no clue. Her glare even made Linus whimper and I don’t believe anyone has ever been able to do that. I know I have never seen or met Blondie in my life and for that reason I have no idea why she looked at me with so much hatred and anger in her eyes. 
My mind is running in circles as we walk back to the Pack–house, but I still haven’t found an answer and I link my Father to ask him if I ever visited White Cresent Pack. He tells me we never received an invitation for any event since he had taken over from his Father and that admission leaves me with even more questions. 
Back in my office Midas asks me if I have any idea and I tell them what my Father had told me, “What, but we have an alliance with them.” Ajax exclaims, I turn my chair around to open the filing cabinet behind my seat and start looking for the alliance agreement with White Cresent Pack. 
An hour later we are all staring at the files on my desk, but none of them contain an alliance agreement with White Cresent Pack. 
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