Sage rose to her feet and walked over to the side before answering the phone. “What’s the meaning of this, lan Holcomb? Why’d you go on a business trip all of a sudden? Weren’t we supposed to get the divorce certificate today?” lan sounded as indifferent as ever. “Something came up.””When are you coming back?” she asked.He responded, “It depends. If everything goes well, I’ll be back in two weeks.””TWO WEEKS?” Her sudden increase in volume caused nearby customers to look over. Sage dropped her voice to barely more than a whisper. “Why is it taking so long? You’re not purposefully dragging out the divorce, are you?”Divorce, divorce, divorce. Ian was getting tired of that phrase. “I’ve been on a plane for over ten hours, Sage. I haven’t even had time to rest since I landed. Can’t you just give me a break?”Sage was frustrated as well. “Well, who asked you to just up and leave? I couldn’t find you anywhere. I’m the one who can’t catch a break!” Ads by PubFuture
“Oh, so you’re going to die just because the divorce is delayed a few more days?” His tone was harsh. “How’d you manage to survive for more than a year then? Besides, when can’t we get a divorce? It’s not as important as my work!”Sage was about to snap back at him when Shane interjected impatiently, “Are you done yet? The food’s getting cold!””Okay, I’ll be there in a second,” Sage responded, covering the phone. She was about to hang up when she heard lan’s deep voice.”Where are you right now?””What’s it to you?” she fired back.”That sounded like Shane. Are you out with him again?” His voice turned cold. “What are you up to, Sage? You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately.”novelbinSage sneered inwardly when she heard his accusatory tone. She intentionally provoked him. “Isn’t it obvious what I’m up to? Shane’s just as good as you, if not better, in terms of family background, looks, and physique. I’ve spent some time with him and found him to be a decent guy. Ads by PubFuture”I’ve decided to move on and be with him. So please return as soon as possible and let’s get our divorce done so that we can both move on with our lives!” Sage hung up the phone before lan could respond. After all, that bastard was clearly delaying his return deliberately!Sage returned to the table and found it loaded with dishes. Surprisingly, Shane hadn’t started eating yet and was patiently waiting for her.However, he didn’t sound particularly patient as he said, invited you out for dinner, yet you’re on the phone. You’re almost busier than the president.” Content belongs to She remained wary of him. “Mr. Morrison, did you really ask me out for dinner?””What else could it be?” he responded as he served her a bowl of soupm Sage looked around frantically, afraid that Giselle would appear out of nowhere. “What’s with that look on your face.” Shane was visibly displeased. I’m just being polite.” “Why aren’t you picking up your om phone, Mr. President? She teased. His expression darkened after he heard the person on the other end of the line. “Why should I be the one entertaining the old man’s friends I’m busy right now! I don’t have time for that.” The caller must’ve given him an order because Shane hung up the phone angrily and rose from his chair.FindNovel.netThe content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

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