Shane, perhaps distracted by some fun thoughts, readily agreed to
Sage’s plan and promised to carry it out smoothly.After hanging up, Sage laid on the king bed in her hotel room with a
lingering fear for what happened earlier that night. She felt thankful that
Donald wasn’t hurt, otherwise she’d blame herself for it.After lying around for a bit, she heard a text notification on her phone.
Terry had texted her. “Unblock my number.”She could tell from the tone that lan had composed the text. After
hanging up on lan the other night, she had blocked his contact on her
phone.To hell with his request! His text irked her. If only he agreed to the
divorce, Ivy wouldn’t have repeatedly stirred trouble for her.lan called her hotel room number after she refused to reply to his text.
Annoyed, she unplugged the landline in her room for some peace. She
later thought through the list of tasks to do next before taking a shower
and going to sleep.In the middle of her sleep, she groggily heard the door unlocking.
Following that, she heard lan softly thanking someone.Heart sinking, she sat up in her bed. lan had indeed shown up in front
of her, donning the same suit he wore in the video call with Donald. He
carried a small briefcase, looking as if he had hastily made his way
here.”W-Why are you here?” she stammered in shock. Why did he show up
at Colville at this hour?He calmly placed his briefcase on the floor and removed his jacket,
which he placed in the closet. He moved around naturally, like a
husband who had returned home.”Why would the hotel staff let you in?” Sage confronted him coldly after
collecting herself.He addressed her question calmly, “We’re a married couple. All I
needed to do was to show the front desk our marriage certificate and
register myself as a guest. Then, they opened the door for me.”She snickered. In the past, she was the one in the relationship who
showed off their marriage certificate to call dibs on him. Never had she
thought that lan would one day do the same thing.”So what brings you here?” She sounded impatient.He did not reply. Walking up to her, he ignored her cold shoulder and
took her injured left hand. The scabs were healing well, and the skin
over her wound had regenerated. However, it looked a little red and
swollen after she forcefully picked up the traffic cone to fend off the
motorcyclists earlier.Ads by Netpub”Why didn’t you tell me about the accident?” he questioned with
unreadable emotions. There seemed to be a hint of concern in his low,
frosty tone.She withdrew her hand. “lan Holcomb, you’ve always asked me what
I’m trying to do, so I’ll direct the same question at you today.”We’re about to get a divorce. Besides, don’t you see me as a vile
woman who hurt Ivy? A few days ago, you even claimed that you’d stay
out of my business. If so, why did you rush to Colville in the middle of
the night? Was that fun for you?”He pressed his lips. Then, he said softly, “We’re legally a married
couple as long as we haven’t filed for a divorce. Of course, I had to
check on you because you blocked my number and refused to pick up
my calls.”He wasn’t wrong. As Mrs. Holcomb, she might taint his reputation if the
paparazzi wrote up trash tabloid articles about her.”Now that you’ve confirmed I’m safe and sound, you may leave.” She
tried to kick him out.He refused to leave. Not only that, he sat by her bed. “It’s past
midnight. I have nowhere to go.”

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