205 Apologizing in Person 
Uncle Olsen was taken aback by these words. 
He didn’t show excitement but instead took another deep drag of his cigarette before squinting his eyes. “You’re saying, Taylor isn’t Keira’s father?” 
Ellis nodded. “Just now, that mistress poisonously admitted it herself, and from the looks of Keira, she 
didn’t deny it…” 
He curiously looked at Uncle Olsen. “Keira isn’t your daughter, is she?” 
However, Uncle Olsen threw his cigarette on the ground, crushed it with his leather shoe, and kicked it into the ashtray nearby, before looking at him. “No.” 
Ellis was startled. “Really? I thought she might be…” 
Before he could finish speaking, Uncle Olsen kicked him. “Wouldn’t I know if I’d done such a thing?” 
Ellis jumped up and dodged the kick, looking somewhat disappointed. “Fine then. I was just hoping for a cousin. You’ve really disappointed me.” 
<  205 Apologizing in Person  “Get lost.”  “Alright.”  “Come back.”  Ellis came back.  Uncle Olsen glared at him. “Miss Jodie has raised that fake heiress, and she surely has feelings for her.”  Ellis was taken aback. “So I should show some mercy?”  Uncle Olsen glanced at him and sneered. “So make it clean and neat. Don’t give Miss Jodie a chance to regret it. She’s a person who values emotions, and we don’t need any more complications in the family later  on!”  It was then that Ellis smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ve carefully chosen a good place for Isla!”  Upstairs.  Keira followed Taylor into the hospital room.  Taylor silently sat down beside Mrs. Olsen’s bed, taking  her hand.  Keira then looked at him. “You heard what happened outside just now, right?”  2/9  205 Apologizing in Person  Taylor nodded like a robot.  This reaction made Keira unsure of how to start  speaking. She paused then said, “Poppy has been  arrested, and Isla’s life is in danger. Do you want to see  her?”  As soon as she said this, Taylor suddenly looked up, his eyes flashing coldly and ruthlessly. “Since she’s not Shirley’s daughter, she has nothing to do with me!”  That indifferent attitude was just like how he used to  be toward Keira.  Keira was stunned.  Only then did she understand that Taylor’s kindness toward Isla was truly just because of Mrs. Olsen, and it had nothing to do with whether she was his daughter  or not.  She hesitated for a moment and then asked, “I… you… I don’t think I’m your daughter.”  darlu  Taylor looked down, then gazed at Mrs.  Olsen. “Since you’re Shirley’s daughter, then of course  you’re not my daughter.”  Keira immediately understood that her guess was  349  205 Apologizing in Person  probably correct.  She frowned and was about to ask another question when she heard Taylor say, “Actually, I’m very grateful to you. Shirley was always out of my league. It wasn’t until you came along that Shirley was willing to marry  me…”  He lowered his head, placing Mrs. Olsen’s hand on his cheek. “Being able to marry Shirley has been the greatest happiness of my life. As for Poppy, she wasn’t someone I had an affair with during my marriage. She was a debt from before Shirley and I were together. I was drinking away my sorrows over Shirley, and Poppy took advantage of me…”  He explained up to that point, then closed his mouth, looking earnestly at Mrs. Olsen. “Shirley, please wake up. Your favorite, Keira, is your daughter. Don’t you want to acknowledge her?”  Keira also looked toward Mrs. Olsen.  She was still lying there with her eyes closed and breathing steadily, her complexion rosy as if she were asleep.  Keira eagerly awaited Mrs. Olsen’s awakening so that  49  <  205 Apologizing in Person  she could ask who her real father was and what secrets  were buried in her past…  She walked to the other side of the bed and took Mrs.  Olsen’s hand.  Her mouth opened as if she wanted to shout “Mom,” but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.  Just then, the sound of an ambulance suddenly came  from downstairs.  Keira paid no attention to it.  This was a hospital after all; it was normal for ambulances to bring patients here.  Mrs. Olsen’s room had finally become completely  quiet.  A while later, two doctors accompanied by a nurse  came for their rounds.  They checked Mrs. Olsen’s condition, and everything  was still normal.  As they were about to leave, they exchanged idle  chatter.  “I’ve really learned something new today. An  5/9  205 Apologizing in Person  ambulance drove someone to our hospital, and it was hilarious! I heard that the person had just left the operating room and was then taken away…”  “A mental patient, right? I heard it was crazy! They can get violent when they have an episode. They didn’t even warn us in advance. What if she suddenly woke up and attacked us?”  Upon hearing this, Keira didn’t think much of it.  But then, she heard a nurse gossiping.  “You all got it wrong. I have the latest news! Apparently, that woman escaped from the mental hospital, and then somehow got pregnant. After a miscarriage, she had a fit that led to severe hemorrhaging, and they had to remove her uterus to save her life! Our hospital might be a general hospital, but such a patient definitely needs to be treated in a psychiatric hospital.”  “Wow, that’s explosive! A mental patient got pregnant? Whose child could it be?”  “Who knows…”  They continued their conversation as they walked  further away  6/0  <  205 Apologizing in Person  Feeling something was off, Keira immediately turned her head to make eye contact with Lewis, and together they quickly went to the window, only to see an ambulance from the psychiatric hospital parked below.  At that moment, several medical staff were carrying a stretcher toward the ambulance.  Even from three floors up, Keira recognized at a glance that the person on the stretcher was Isla!!  She was slightly stunned and instinctively looked at Lewis. “Did you do this?”  Lewis frowned and shook his head. “No.”  Keira had no intention of dealing with Isla. After all, she was the child Mrs. Olsen had raised and spoiled from a young age. She had intended to wait for Mrs. Olsen to wake up and ask for her opinion before doing anything.  But she hadn’t expected this turn of events.  Isla had spent her whole life wanting to marry into a wealthy family, and now she had fallen into this state. She would definitely continue to entangle herself with the Olsen family.  1147  <  205 Apologizing in Person  Sending her to a mental hospital really was the best  choice.  Once admitted, of course, she definitely couldn’t get  out.  If that wasn’t Lewis’s arrangement, then it must be…  Keira instinctively glanced toward the parking lot and saw that low-key luxurious black car still parked there.  A tall, upright man sat inside, his face unrecognizable.  Ellis stood outside the car waving at Keira and pointing  to his phone.  Keira took out her own phone and saw a message from Ellis. “Are you satisfied with my arrangements for Isla?”  Keira looked at Lewis.  She suddenly understood that if Lewis hadn’t been holding back Uncle Olsen all this time, she might have been the one being put into the ambulance…  As she was thinking, her phone buzzed again. Ellis had sent another message. “Also, could you come down for a moment? Uncle Olsen has an apology he’d like to offer you in person.”  205 Apologizing in Person  Keira didn’t know what to say.  Comment  R Leave the first comment for this chapter  Vote  9  Rate the translation quality  Good  Average  Swipe left to continue> 
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