Chapter 65
Alpha Deckard
That night, sleep evades me entirely. I spend every moment in the room restless the room, checking on her, watching her chest rise and fall, ensuring each breach follows the next.
Her body is warmer now, so why won’t she s
e up1
She doesn’t get to do something so reckless, so unforgivable, and then collapse like this. She wouldn’t get to leave without explaining her side of the story–without answering for her actions.
My wolf is silent, drowning in his own despair. He won’t speak to me, and honestly, I don’t know who’s more broken right now–him or me
I sit by her side, waiting for any sign of life–a move, a blink, a word. Anything. But all she does is lie there, motionless…
Morning doesn’t come quickly–Martha steps into the room, her expression calm, but I don’t miss the flicker of concern in her eyes as she approaches the bed.
“Alpha, we must wait and see how the treatment takes effect,” she says calmly, though it does little to southe my fraying nerves,
I glare at her, frustration boiling over. “Martha, why isn’t she waking up! I did everything you asked–I gave her all the potions, I stayed by her side all night. I even slept beside her, holding her to share my warmth. And yet, she still won’t wake up!”
Martha sighs, her tone measured but firm. “She will recover in time, Alpha Bet this this is the consequence of ignoring my instructions last time.”
Before I can respond. Mary’s voice cuts through the room.
“Or maybe she doesn’t know what she’s doing anymore” Mary snaps, stepping forward. “The first time was just sheer luck, and now she’s clueless! Admit it. Martha–you’re not a doctor. All you have is your ridiculous fetish nonsense!”
I turn toward her, my patience unraveling, but she goes on.
“You should never have let me stop her treatment, Deckard!” she accuses,
sa obsessed with Amica’s treatment?
Her words make me pause, but not for the reasons she might think why is Mary s
In doesn’t make sense. Mary has made it clear she wants Amica gone, so why the sudden need to play healer? Why this urgency to be the one in charge of her care!
“Deckard, how would you feel if you lose her because you refused to let a proper doctor, someone who actually knows what they’re doing, take care
of her!
Do you want your reputation in shambles! The word will spread–you killed your Luna–and that’s not something the pack will forgive
She steps closer, her eyes narrowing. “I’m only looking out for your reputation, no matter what grievances you or anyone else have with Amica. I am a doctor, and my greatest joy is being the reason someone survives. Let me do my job!”
Before I can respond, Martha steps forward, her one even but resolute. “Miss Mary, this situation goes beyond your know it. Please, allow me to do my work without interference.”
“Nothing is beyond my medical field?” Mary roars, her voice thick with anger
medical expertise, and you
I glance between the two women, t. Both are adamant, both claiming to act in Amica’s best interest. But the intensity of their argument leaves me
What am I supposed to do? I just w want Amica to open her eyes again.
I feel unerly lost, powerless to make the right call for the first time in years. All I know is that I can’t afford to lose her. Not now. Not ever
“My alpha, please,” Mary buggs “Let me check on her, just her heart rate. Once I have that, I’ll know what to recommend.”
“Fine Lay, my voice firm but cautious. “Do what you need to do for now, but let me be clear–Martha is still in charge of her care. Her condition improved when Manha administered her potion. You’re not to do anything that interferes with her recovery. Understood?”
Mary nods quickly, relief washing over her face. “Thank you, my Alpha. I’ll do my best”
She hurries out of the room and returns moments later with her bag Placing it on the table, she retrieves her stethoscope and begins her
End Prote
Chapter 63
After a few minutes, she scribbles something on a piece of paper.
I’ve written out a list of medications. I’ll get these drugs and add them to her next drip. I be back so she says as she leaves the room.
Mary’s dedication surprises me. She doesn’t hold grudges when it comes to saving lives. Even with all her flaws and the base she has with Amica, I can’t deny that her selflessness in moments like these is adiniralir
Martha, calm as ever, administers another round of potions to Amica
“My alpha,” Martha says sofily, “it would be best if you stayed close to her as we wait for her to fully wake from this coma.”
That word–coma–sends a chill down my spi
“So you’re saying there’s a chance she won’t wake up?” My voice betrays my fear, cracking slightly at the end.
“Amica is doing much better than she was yesterday. I am confident she will pull through”
Her attempt at optimism doesn’t quite soothe me. The thought of Amica not waking is too unbearable to entertain.
“T’d advise,” Martha continues, “that we avoid disrupting her treatment unless her condition worsens. But cltimately, that decision is yours to make.”
Before I can respond. Bris steps in, “I stand with the healer, Alpha. Martha has been consistent, and Amica is improving. We should continue with her treatment plan.”
“Fine” I say at last. “But if there’s no noticeable change by the end of the day. Mary will take over
Bria nods and steps forward. “Alpha, please take a moment to rest and freshen up. We’ll watch over Arnica, and you can come back to check on her as soon as you’re done”
I agreed, and With one last glance at Amica, I leave the room.
I’m halfway through my shower when a loud knock pounds on the door.
At first, I ignore it, letting the water wash down as I try to wash away my exhaustion but the urgency in the knock lingers in the back of my mind, When I finally step out and dry off, I open the door to find. Bria standing there, her expression alight with excitement.
“Amica is awake!” she announces
I barely process her words before I rush down the hall, still half–dressed, my damp hair dripping onto the floor. My heart races as I fling the door open to her room.
There she is
Amica lies on the bed, her eyes open, scanning the room as though trying to piece together where she is. For a moment, the sight of her takes my breath away. She’s alive. She’s here.
Without thinking, I cross
is the room in a few quick strides and pull her into a hug. My arms wrap tightly around her fragile body
Not long after Amica wakes, Mary arrives, carrying a tray laden with drugs and a syringe.