Chapter 317 
“Mommy, this panda candy is too cute! I can’t bear to eat it,” little Elowen blurted out with her adorable innocence. 
Elowen’s pure-heartedness warmed Thalassa’s heart immensely. 
She gave a slight chuckle, “Don’t worry. It’s just a design made of sugar. You aren’t hurting it.” 
“But I still can’t do it. I’m going to keep it,” Elowen pouted, showing her tender pink lips. 
The panda design on the candy was almost cuter than her. She couldn’t bring herself to take a bite. 
Thalassa just smiled and didn’t say anything more. 
The innocence of children was precious. 
At that moment, Atticus and Dorian who were walking ahead suddenly hooked each other’s shoulders, their tiny heads coming together as they seemed to be discussing something. 
Dorian whispered to Atticus, “Atticus, why did you go to the broadcast room to fix the computer?” 
Atticus’s gaze earlier seemed to suggest more than just asking for help explaining his computer repair skills. 
Dorian and Atticus were thick as thieves, always having their own little secrets. 
Dorian could understand every look from his brother. 
Atticus leaned into Dorian’s ear, his voice barely a whisper, afraid of being overheard, “I heard someone call for Mr. Sinclair in the bathroom, and I also heard mom call him Mr. Sinclair in a worried tone. I suspect that guy is Lysander, the broadcast room computer has the mall’s surveillance footage. If I fix the computer, I can watch the footage and see what Mom and Lysander are up to.” 
That was the real reason he went to the broadcast room with the staff to fix the computer. 
The sounds from inside the bathroom could be heard outside, and vice versa. 
He heard the name Mr. Sinclair, and it seemed everyone was wary of him. 
He walked out of the bathroom, but didn’t see his mom anywhere. He knew his mom loved them too much to just disappear without a word. 
There must be more than meets the eye. 
Atticus really wanted to know where his mom and Lysander had gone. Was Lysander really not their father, as his mom had said? 
The quickest way to find out the truth was to check the mall’s surveillance, keeping tabs on his mom and Lysander’s actions. 
After Atticus finished his words, Dorian’s eyes lit up with excitement, “Atticus, I saw Dad earlier and even spoke to him.” 
“Really? What did he say?” Usually cool and composed, Atticus suddenly seemed very interested. 
“He told me to take good care of our sisters,” Dorian said. 
“Does he like our sisters?” Atticus asked. 
Dorian pouted, a bit hurt, “Elowen accidentally bumped into him and he scared her into crying.” 
Atticus immediately frowned, “Hmph, lousy dad!” 
In his anger, his voice was a bit loud. 
Thalassa heard what Atticus said and felt a jolt of shock.