Chapter 403 
“What should I give as a gift?” Queena was now even more puzzled than Cynthia, making the situation more about her than the original problem 

Cynthia had suggested they brainstorm ideas, but instead of solutions, they had another person stumped on what to give as a gift. 
After thinking for a moment, she said, “Queena, you’ve given gifs every year, so you probably have a good sense of the old lady’s tastes. How about we hit the shops together tomorrow and see what we can find?” 
“Sure.” Queena nodded and then asked Mila, “Mila, do you want to join us?” 
Mila replied. “I’ll have to pass. I’m turning the wedding dress I designed this afternoon into a finished piece, and I’ll be spending the next few days. 
“Alright, it’s just you and me, Cynthia, Querna concluded. 
They chatted about all sorts of things for a while, and then Mila went to her room to sleep. 
Seeing that it was getting late, Cynthia also thought about leaving 

Queena grabbed Cynthia’s wrist directly. “Cynthia, since we’re going shopping tomorrow, why don’t you just stay here tonight! We can head out together then.” 
“Liam probably won’t agree Cynthia shook her head, thinking of Liam’s possessiveness. She didn’t feel displeased; instead, there was a hint of sweetness in her heart 
But Queena insisted, wanting to keep Cynthia for the night, clinging to Cynthia’s arm and acting cute. Just talk to Liam, it’s just for one day” 
Seeing the girl’s adorable look. Cynthia couldn’t bear to refuse. Although she grew up with Haller, he was, after all, a boy, and they were either fighting or on the verge of it every day. Moreover, Cynthia didn’t have many friends and yearned for the kind of closeness where two girls could sleep over and chat about all sorts of gossip late into the night. 
“Alright, let me call Liam and see if he agrees,” Cynthia said, taking out her phone. But after a long ring, no one answered. 
Cynthia remembered that when she went upstairs just now, the men were chatting in the courtyard and probably didn’t hear it 
She didn’t want to disturb them, so she put her phone aside and said, “Let’s chat in bed for a while longer, and then I’ll call again.” 
“We should go freshen up first, just in case your husband agrees, and we can go to bed directly: Queena suggested. 
Cynthia wanted to refuse, but Queena had already brought new towels and clean pajamas and pulled Cynthia toward the bathroom. 
At that moment, downstairs, Liam had just come out of the bathroom, having left his phone on the uable in the courtyard. 
As soon as he sat down, Vincent started teasing, “Your wife called you just now. We didn’t answer because we didn’t want to hear anything we shouldn’t.” 
Liam, with a smile on his face, glanced at Vincent, took his phone in hand, and exiled Cynthia back. Coincidentally, this time, Cynthia didn’t answer either. 
Liar stared at the phone for a while, thinking that Cynthia didn’t have many friends here, and it was fine for her to hang out with them a bit longer, so he didn’t call again. 
Just as he put the phone down and looked up, he saw Vincent looking at him with an amused expression. After a silence, he asked directly, “You’re so relaxed. Have you sorted our your own love life?” 
Hearing this, Vincent’s smile disappeared visibly from his face. ‘Do you have to rub it in?” 
These days, he had tried every means, but Mila had become increasingly timid. With Queena as a constant companions at home, it was hard for 
Moreover, from his recent observations, Queena was indeed too well protected, often unable to read people or situations, naive and innocent. Perhaps entering the entertainment industry could make some progress. 
Now with the Yearwood family’s support, the dirty tricks in the entertainment industry should not harm her. So just now, when Queena once again proposed to enter the entertainment industry, he readily agreed. 
Now, as long as his sister left for work, there would only be the two of them in the villa, and it would be much easier for him to do whatever he 
“Mila’s not slipping away this time Vincent had made up his mind. 

Chapter 403 
Liam shook his head, sighing. The past is still a blur; you might be acting too hastily” 
Although Mila had been on her best behavior lately, the previous hurts were real and couldn’t be brushed aside, 
Vincent’s eyes flickered, but he soon smiled with a sense of case. “We can’t keep dwelling on the past. Even when we were in Fruycia, I could tell Mila has always had a soft spot for me, so I believe there must be some hidden story behind the past events.” 
“Hopeless. Liam coldly remarked. “If you get fooled again, don’t come whining to me 
Vincent jokingly threw the box of tissues at him. “Who’s been whining? Just because you’re lost in your love nest every day, doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the company of a beautiful woman. 
Liam ignored him, took out his phone to check the time, and saw a text message from Cynthia. 
Cynthia: Babe, Queena and I are set to pick out a birthday gift for your grandma tomorrow, so I’m sleeping here tonight ] 
Liam immediately stood up, startling the others. 
“What’s the matter Vincent asked and clutched his chest, pretending to be freaked out, 
Liam gave him a cold glance, gritting his teeth. “That rascal Queena, now she dares to compete with ine for my wife.” 
He headed upstairs, with Vincent and Haller quickly following 
The three men arrived at Queena’s door, and Liam knocked, but there was no response. 
A few minutes later, unable to wait any longer, Liam wanted to call out, 
Vincent quickly stepped in front of him. “Bro, this is my sister’s room; it’s not cool for you to barge in.” 
Liam hesitated, then took out his phone to make a call. But for some reason, the phone rang for a long time with no answer. Vincent, also called Queena, with the same result 
Liam tried to open the door, and Vincent stopped him again. “Let Mila go in and wake them, 
Now two women were sleeping inside, and both men were wary of each other. 
But Liam’s patience ran out, and he pushed the door open I have no interest in a young whippersnapper” 
Liam opened the door and blocked the others outside. “You two, ou it out 
After entering the room, Liam didn’t turn on the light, he approached Cynthia’s side by the moonlight. Even in the dark, he could sense the woman’s fair skin and peaceful sleeping face. 
“Ungrateful,” Liam lightly complained, took off his coat, and draped it over Gynthia. Then he directly picked her up in a prince carry. Every move 
was careful. 
Until he carried her out, Queena was still sleeping soundly. 
Liam carried 
ried Cynthis straight downstairs. 
Hallet was p 
was peeking through the door crack, wanting to take a look at his girlfriend, 
Vincent imunediately closed the door. “What are you looking at? You can only look when you’re married to her 
Hallet could only leave reluctantly. He snorted inwardly, ‘Once we are married. I will watch her every day, to my heart’s content