Chapter 297 
Seeing Sherilyn frozen in place, t 
man grabbed her arm and yanked her up. 
Rebecca was beside her, reaching out to help. But was immediately met with the barrel of a gun. Stay putt 
“And you fol 
On the differ side, another member of the RED Dance Troupe was dragged out along with Sherlyn, Both of them, sumiliar in stature, were pulled out of the dressing res 
Exchanging a glancs, Charlyn and the dances both wore pair faces, showering viciently unsure of what swatted them, 
Qufisiche The Heather, the police had the building surrounde 
Using a Bullhom they were negotiating with me people mande. 

“To those made listen up. ” 
No negotiations Audes we’re Sowing this place to smitheroemat ma ha 
“Don’t be he 
Suegonations seemed to have reached an anpasse 
On the wast sage with the curtains down, Sherlyn and the dancer was knocked out and fed to chars 
Gilbert, dorned in ecurity guard uniform, pushed the curtain guide and leaped onto the stage 
““Sherlyn” He knee before Sherlye. 
However, Sherilyndant respond was the dancer next to her who, upon hearing the rovse struggled to open eyes. 
Sewing Gilbert, the primed to speak. 
“But of Gilbert cut her off sharply Want to liv 
Why did she do that? 
The girl lifted her eyes, signaling Gilbert to look above their heads. 
Gilbert had already noticed–a balance beam was positioned above Sherilyn and the dancer’s heads. 
What was this? 
He stood up, furrowing his brows for a closer examination. His eyes suddenly darkened–it was a bomb! 
In the middle of the balance beam was a small bead. The moment this bead slid off, it would trigger the bomb’s circuit! 
A ticking time bomb! 
It all depended on how long Sherilyn and the dancer could last! 
What to do? 
Time was of the essence, and Gilbert struggled to remain calm. He pulled out a folding knife from his pocket, first securely hugging Sherilyn to cut the ropes binding her. 
Then, without moving her, he reached out to the dancer. 
“I’m going to cut your ropes now. After that, I’ll hold the balance beam. You carry her… and 
run for it!” 
The girl’s face blanched, shaking her head vigorously, “Too risky!” 
Who knew if he could hold it steady? If not, they might as well stay put. 
“Not going, huh?” 
Gilbert scoffed coldly, “Fine, I can just take her and leave right now!” 
Hearing this, the girl became even more scared. If they ran off, her fate was sealed–she was definitely doomed! No choice left. 
–“Okay!” She nodded in agreement. “I’ll do as you say!” 
Gilbert held his breath, cut the girl’s ropes, tossed aside the folding knife, and steadied the balance beam above the girl’s head. 
Then, he counted down, “On three. One, two, three!” 
The girl quickly stood up, and as Gilbert released Sherilyn, she scooped her up. Gilbert, in turn, steadfastly held the balance beam above Sherilyn’s head! 
Gilbert commanded lowly, sweat beading at his temples. 
“Okay, okay!” 
The girl nodded repeatedly, hefting Sherilyn onto her back, and bolted.