Chapter 294 
After turning off Twilight Trail, the car in front of Edgar sped up, effectively blocking his 
Startled, Edgar immediately got out of his car. 
From the vehicle ahead, Adela also stepped out. 
“Mom?” Edgar wasn’t too surprised. “What’s this all about?” 
“Edgar!” Adela glanced at the car Edgar was driving and rubbed her forehead, “Is this really the life you’re meant to be living?” 
He was working for someone else, always having to do everything himself, and even driving a cheap car. 
“What kind of life?” Edgar was nonchalant. “You live according to your means. I don’t see a problem with that.” 

“You…” Adela was at a loss for words, shocked by her son’s resilience. 
Initially, when she had thrown Edgar out and cut off his financial support, she thought he would give up after struggling for a while. 
But things didn’t go as she had hoped? 
Edgar had managed to withstand the pressure! 
Moreover, the situation was getting more serious. He was determined to make a life outside, set on being with Sherilyn! 
“Edgar.” Adela reached for him, trying a softer approach since the hard line hadn’t worked. 
“Listen to me, Sherilyn isn’t right for you… I’m doing this for your own good. You’re you’ll regret this! Someone like her, with her past, and all the people…” 
Edgar, his face turning a shade of steel, couldn’t let her finish. 
“You’re a woman too. How can you speak of another girl in such a manner? Just because Sherilyn is divorced doesn’t mean she’s committed a crime!” 
Disappointed, Edgar shook his head. “Don’t say anymore. I want to be with Sherilyn, and nothing will make me give upon her!” 
“No, Edgar, my son…” 
With a heavy heart, Edgar pulled away from Adela’s grasp. “I have to go.” 
He turned sharply and got back into his car. 
Adela, frantic and at a loss, watched as Edgar drove past her car and disappeared into the distance. She stamped her foot in frustration. 
“Refuse to give up no matter what? Well… We’ll just see about that, my son!” 
Two days later, the Lightning Dance Troupe was all packed up and on their way to Crestwood. 
After a journey of several hours, Sherilyn didn’t feel the slightest bit tired–soon, she would be seeing her darling Jenna! 
Excited, she took out her phone and snapped a photo of the airplane’s cabin door, posting it online with a caption. 
“Crestwood, looking forward.” 
At the same time, Gilbert, lying in a hospital bed in Crestwood, saw the post. 
Sherilyn was coming? 
Right, she was on tour. 
She seemed happy. 
The only time she wasn’t happy was when she was with him. 
That thought irked Gilbert inexplicably. He slammed his phone down, only to pick it up again moments later. 
He opened the Lightning Dance Troupe’s ticketing website, searching for the “Crestwood show.” Since she was coming to Crestwood, he might as well support her show. 
He didn’t plan to do anything; he just wanted to see her perform. 
That was all. 
Yes, nothing more. 
Arriving in Crestwood at just past seven wasn’t too late. 
Sherilyn couldn’t wait any longer; she missed Jenna too much. 
*Rebecca,” Sherilyn asked, “Could you please take my luggage to my room? I need to go 
somewhere first.” 