Chapter 327 
Matthew glared at Valerie’s right leg in displeasure. “What’s going on! 
“Mr. Grant, you’re here… Valerie looked at Matthew in surprise. Embarrassed, She tried to hide her leg and stammered, “I just got out of bed and cwisted it 
He asked, “Where else are you injured?” 
“I am not injured anywhere else. Besides, my sprain isn’t serious. I should be fine after a while.” Valerie feit that his face was so dark that it was a little scary. She quickly stepped on the ground and tried to prove that there was really nothing wrong with her. However, as soon as she landed, she gasped in pain. It was quite painful. 
In the next second. Valerie felt the world turn upside down. When she came back to her senses, she was already being carried by Matthew. 
“Mr. Grant, I can walk by myself…” It was very embarrassing for her to be carried like this in public. Moreover, Angel was also watching from afar. 
Matthew replied, “Shut up!” 
He thought. ‘I have only been gone for two hours and she is already injured. If I cause any later, would her hands be broken? Why didn’t I realize That she was so troublesome in the past?” 

Valerie was rendered speechless by his imposing manner. It had been like this since they first met. She could not do anything after being glared by him. Now that he was determined to hug her, Valerie could not resist. In the end, she could only cover her face with her hands. 
She did not see Angel’s incredulous gaze when Matthew carried her and passed by her. It was as if she had seen a ghost. 
Angel thought, “Damn it! Wasn’t Matthew forced to marry this woman? Why is he so concerned about her? 
Angel clenched her fists unwillingly. She thought, I have finally made Matthew come by threatening to commit suicide. However, after he just comes, this woman has snatched him away. Valerie definitely has done this on purposel” 
She was about to pull Nathan to ask what was going on when Nathan thought that she was here to snatch the pastries and quickly hid further away. 
“Angel, these pastries were all carried over by me with great difficulty. It’s not that I’m stingy, but I’m really too tired. These are all for Valerie. If you want to eat them, buy some yourself” Nathan hurriedly carried the pastries into Valerie’s ward and quickly chased after Mauhew, 
Angel thought, ‘I don’t fucking care about those pastries!” 
Only then did Angel realize how embarrassing she had been. It turned out that Matthew did not come to the hospital for her. 
She thought, ‘How can this be?‘ 
Matthew directly took Valerie to the orthopedic department. He placed Valerie on a chair in the department before finally letting her 

Valerie’s face was already red. She quickly pushed Matthew. I can do it myself. Mr. Grant, wait for me outside. Go and rest.” 
Mathew was as still as a mountain. He looked directly at the doctor “Let’s do a full–body checkup.” 
The doctor was stunned. “A sprained ankle shouldn’t require a full–body examination…” 
Valerie quickly pushed Matthew again. “Mr. Grant, I’m already very cinbarrassed. I’ll do it myself. Go out first. I’ll call you when I’m done… Please 
Matthew was still worried, but looking at Valerie’s red face, he was afraid that she would faint from lack of oxygen in the next second, so he finally compromised. 
After watching him leave, Valerie heaved a long sigh of relief. She did not expect to sprain her ankle when she got out of bed just now. Although she was only seeing an orthopedic surgeon, pregnancy was written on her medical record. She was worried that the doctor would tell Mathew about it later. 
Although she was mentally prepared to tell Matthew that she was pregnant last time, he suddenly left that time, after so many days, her courage had slowly worn away, so she decided to wait a little longer. She would find a good time to explain it to him next time. 
Valerie took a deep breath to calm herself down. In the end, when she looked up, she saw the orthopedic doctor looking at her teasingly. He smiled and teased, “Are you newlywed? You two are so sweet. This is the first time I’ve seen a husband carrying her wife to see a doctor after working here for so long 
Valerie was extremely embarrassed. She pretended to be calm and nodded. “My husband is domineering. He’s too worried about me…” 
The doctor looked like he understood. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything else. He examined Valerie’s ankle and prescribed external medicine and a bandage. Knowing that she was pregnant, he deliberately avoided medicine that contained musk. “It’s not a big problem for you to be in a car accident, but you’ll have to lie down for at least two more days. Rest well and try not to move around as much as possible.” 
“Thank you, Doctor. Valerie heaved a sigh of relief. She reached out to take the prescription and prepared to go downstairs to collect the medicine. 
Unexpectedly, the doctor thought of something. “By the way, let me remind you again. Although you can’t have sex in the first three months of pregnancy and the later stages of pregnancy, you still have to be careful when you can sleep together. You two are a loving couple. No matter how 
sweet you are, you have to keep the baby in mind.” 
Valerie thought, “What?