pter 314 
Sergio’s voice carried a hint of mockery. “At least a dozen women in Seathburn are vying to be Mrs. Brooks. The Hoffman family isn’t even on the radar. What makes you think you can help me?” 
Cecilia had never expected Sergio to ridicule her so openly. Her face flushed with embarrassment. 
Indeed, compared to the city’s elite families, the Hoffmans were considered insignificant. What made her think she stood a chance? 
Sergio, seeing her embarrassed state, spoke coldly, “Get out. I won’t repeat myself.” 
Biting her lip, Cecilia finally fled the study room. 
“Mr. Brooks, was it necessary to be so harsh with Ms. Hoffman? She’s still young and in her salad days.” Larry ventured cautiously. “Are you questioning my decisions?” 
“No, Mr. Brooks.” 

In the past, Sergio would have shown more patience with women at Cecilia’s age, even if it was just a facade. He wouldn’t have used such a harsh tone, especially considering the decent relationship between the Brooks and Hoffman families. 
Sergio’s tone remained indifferent. “From now on, I don’t want to see anyone who doesn’t belong to the Brooks family in this house. Do you understand?“. 
“Yes, Mr. Brooks. I’ll take care of it immediately.” 
As Larry left, Allie was packing Cecilia’s belongings downstairs. Cecilia, who had just moved in yesterday to care for Hailey, was now being asked to leave. 
Her face tumed sour, and she pleaded with Hailey, 
Lailey, “Mrs. Brooks 
Brooks Senior, your health is still unstable. I can’t leave you now… 
“What do you expect me to do if you can’t even win a man’s heart?” 

Hailey felt exhausted. Sergio had recently become increasingly disobedient. She couldn’t control him anymore and had no choice but to let him chase Cecilia away. 
“Mrs. Brooks Senior!” Cecilia couldn’t believe she was being abandoned again. She’d been attentive in caring for Hailey in the past few days, yet she was still being cast aside. 
Hailey, pretending to be kind, said, “My dear, once Sergio divorces Maeve, I will rightfully bring you back.” 
Cecilia’s heart sank. Did she have to wait for Sergio and Maeve to divorce? 
Given the current situation, would Sergio even agree to a divorce? And even if they did, would she still have a chance at b 
“Allie, have the driver send Ms. Hoffman home and thank Mrs. Hoffman for sending her daughter to care for me.” 
“Yes, Mrs. Brooks Senior” 
at becoming Mrs. Brooks? 
After Cecilia left, Allie commented, “Ms. Hoffman was so absurd. She was making a scene, refusing to leave, and still dreaming of becoming Mrs. Brooks. If you ask me, it’s Mrs. Brooks who- 
Hailey gave Allie a cold look, silencing her. 
“How’s the investigation going?” 
has hidden her.” 
Allie hesitated. “Ms. Stewart is still missing. We don’t know where Mr. Brooks b 
is carrying a child from the Brooks. She cannot be left out there. No matter what, we must bring her back!” Reluctantly, Allie replied, “Yes, Mrs. Brooks Senior.” 
Meanwhile, in the women’s prison, Clara was confined in a cell. Nearby, an inmate gossiped, “Did you guys h Brooks family just got thrown in here!”