Chapter 344 
“Because I know how you feel. Your whole family despises you, you have no status at home, and no one invites you to any celebrations. You’re practically being driven out, so you’re clinging onto Theodore for dear life. Marrying him is your only way out, your chance to hold your head high, and perhaps even to get back at the Zellers!” 
Every single detail of Cynthia’s life was completely exposed before the man. 
Cynthia gritted her teeth, and said word by word, “Who exactly are you?” 
The man smiled. “I am your father’s illegitimate child–your brother.” 
Cynthia was thunderstruck. 
“What did you say?!” 
“I said, I’m just like you. I’m not accepted by anyone. Your father had an affair back then, but after my mom gave birth to me, he abandoned me. We’re both children of the Zellers, so why should I suffer outside alone? That’s why we have the same goal. I’ll help you get a heart, and when I need your help, you must help me too. Both of us will benefit from it.” 
Cynthia hadn’t fully registered what she just heard, 

“Don’t be so surprised,” the man said. “Almost all wealthy old men. have illegitimate children. Moreover, my appearance poses no threat to your position, because you never had a high status among the Zellers. Now that I’m here, the two of us can work together.” 
Cynthia was still staring at him in shock. 
This man turned out to be the illegitimate child of her father. Now, he 
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appeared out of the blue and wanted to cooperate with her. 
So this was his purpose! She initially thought he was Theodore’s enemy. As it turned out, his target was the Zellers. 
“Why should I trust you?” 
“Why shouldn’t you trust me?” the man countered. 
“I…” Cynthia seemed unable to find a reason not to trust him. 
“I’ve already found a suitable heart. All you need to do now is to undergo surgery.” 
Cynthia’s heart trembled. “Really?! When can I do that?” 
“Don’t worry. You won’t die anytime soon.” 
“You came to me on your own initiative, and now, you’re telling me not to be anxious. What exactly do you want?” 
“My point is, the donor is still alive and kicking, so it’ll take some time to resolve.” 
Cynthia understood. “Then you better work hard.” 
“I will. But after I save you, it’ll be your turn to work hard.” 
“Then let’s talk about it after my surgery.” 
Cynthia still harbored some doubts. Could this sudden appearance of her illegitimate brother really get her a heart? 
“By the way, what’s your name?” she asked. She hadn’t had time to 
ask for his name the last time. 
“You can call me Yerick.” 
Cynthia still hadn’t digested what Yerick just told her. She was 
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confused how all this came about. 
Yerick turned around, and sat on the edge of the bed. 
Cynthia shifted her body to the side, looking vigilant. “What are you doing?” 
“Nothing. I just saw your love rival at the hospital,” Yerick said. 
“My love rival?” Cynthia immediately thought of Rosalie. “You saw her? What is she doing at the hospital? Is she here with Theodore?” 
“Look at how anxious you are,” Yerick sneered. “Are you worried Theodore will get back together with his ex–wife?” 
Cynthia’s expression was sour. “Don’t play games with me. Who did she come here with?” 
“Sebastian,” Yerick told her, syllable by syllable. 
Cynthia seemed to have heard that name somewhere before. Right! She had seen Rosalie causing trouble with someone named Sebastian at the resort. 
Seeing Cynthia’s expression, Yerick asked, “Do you know Sebastian?” 
“I do,” Cynthia said. “He’s a waiter at the resort.” 
She looked disdainful. “Rosalie’s nothing without Theo. She’s only fit to be with a lowly waiter now.” 
“Oh, really?” Yerick narrowed his eyes, a mocking light flashing in them. “So, Sebastian is a waiter.” 
How clueless was Cynthia? She wasn’t observant at all. 
“Yes. By the way, how did you know his name is Sebastian?” Cynthia asked. 
“I know everything,” Yerick said dismissively. He stood up from the bed, and extended his hand. “Well then, let’s have a pleasant 
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cooperation, sister.” 
Cynthia didn’t want to shake hands with him, but she had to rely on him to get her a heart. Reluctantly, she suppressed her discomfort. and raised her hand to shake his while thinking, ‘How can someone like you be my brother?” 
After they let go of each other’s hands, Yerick said, “Rest well. The heart issue will be resolved soon.” 
“Let’s hope so.” Cynthia clenched her hand into a fist under the blanket. “Are you really not lying to me?” 
“My dear sister, whether you believe it or not, things have already begun. I have to go now. See you.” 
Then, Yerick turned and left the ward. 
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Chapter 345