Chapter 187 
Katherine picked up the call and realized that it was Louis 
“Louis, it’s you. What’s the matter?” 
“I heard that your friend. Miss Warren, came e to our house today?” Louis said, “Katherine, why didn’t you tell me about such an important matter! I’m coming home immediately. Think of a way to make her stay. Don’t let her leave before I go home,” 
Katherine frowned when she heard that “Louis, what do you mean? Let me tell you, Valerie has a partner. Don’t think that just because she’s beautiful. 
“What are you thinking!” 
The sound of the car door opening and closing came from the other end of the line. It was obvious that Louis was really anxious. 
Katherine rolled her eyes. Of course, she believed in Louis’s character. Louis also knew that Valerie was her best friend. Louis would definitely not do anything bad to Valerie. With this thought in mind, she agreed. 
“Sure, but Louis, shouldn’t you give me some benefits for helping you? The 600 thousand dollars I asked for last time…. 

A chuckle came from the other end. “Sure” 
Louis agreed so readily, which made Katherine even more curious. Why did Louis want to look for Valerie Could it be that he really just wanted to thank Valerie for saving her? 
Unexpectedly, just as she hung up the phone, she heard an unhappy voice coming from the door 
“Katherine, you’re so eager to ask Louls for money the moment you return. Are you going to use the money to raise a gigolo?” 
Katherine frowned and looked over. She saw a woman in gorgeous clothes striding over. She had heavy makeup on her face and was carrying a bunch of bags in her hands. Her ten–centimeter high heels made a crisp sound on the floor. Katherine’s face instantly darkened. If not for the fact that they had the same parents, she really did not want to admit that this person was her biological sister, Lindsey. 
Katherine hated it the most when others mentioned Caleb to her. Especially when she thought about how she had actually put her life at stake for 
someone like Caleb, Katherine felt nauseous. 
However, Lindsey opened her mouth and poked her weak spot. Katherine had a bad expression. “Shut up and mind your own business!” Lindsey, on the other hand, felt that she had kindly advised her, but Katherine did not buy it. Her temper immediately rose 

“Katherine. I’m warning you. Dad and Mom are already worried sick about you. Don’t let them worry anymore, so stay at home obediently and don’t go anywhere!” 
Katherine said self–deprecatingly, “They’re not worried about me. They’ve always cared about the Santos family’s reputation. If I really die, they might be happier.” 
Lindsey was completely enraged. “How can you say that about Dad and Mom? Even if they care about the Santos family’s reputation, what’s wrong with that! At the end of the day, you were at fault, Dad and Mom arranged a man for you, but you ignored him. You insisted on going out to find a trashy man and almost embarrassed our entire family. Aren’t you stupid!” 
Lindsey’s sharp voice and her high and mighty preachy attitude completely made Katherine’s face darken 
She glared at Lindsey aggressively. 
“Lindsey, what right do you have to laugh at me? Don’t think I don’t know that you go to Noria Group every other day. Why? Do you still dream of marrying into the Grant family and you want to be the Grant family’s young mistress? Unfortunately, even if you want to many in the Gram 
unily muga nut want you. ” 
Lindsey was randy 
y embarrassed, and her face instantly flushed red when she was called out in pub 
“You, you shut upë 
“What’s wrong! Are you angry because you’re embarrassed! You “No way!” 
came back so early today. Did the Grant family chase you out?” 
“As the second daughter of the Santos family, you’ve already gone to the Grant family, but you’ve left your dignity at home. Aren’t you afraid that the Grant family will laugh at you?” 
Chapter 187 
Lindsey was about to go crazy. “I didn’t. Katherine, stop before you go too far!” 
Katherine had always disliked her sister. She had just been stabbed in the heart, so every word she said hurt more than the last. Seeing that Lindsey was so angry that she actually raised her hand at her. Katherine sneered even more. He crossed her hands and pressed her fingers together until they creaked. 
“Why! Do you want to hit me? I’ll slap you so hard that your teeth rearrange themselves.” 
Lindsey said nothing. 
“If you don’t put your hand down, I’ll punch your left eye into your right eye socket!” 
Lindsey remained silent.