Chapter 175 
She was usually gentle and bright, always looking very rational. He did not expect her to be so childish as to argue with a fever patch when she was sick. 
Matthew pursed his lips slightly and walked forward. He took the fever patch from her hand and easily tore off the plastic seal. 
Valerie looked at him in a daze. She realized that he must have heard her talking to herself just now. She suddenly blushed a little. In order to hide her embarrassment, she quickly picked up the glass and took two sips 
She muttered, Thank you Mr. Grant.” 
She reached out to take the fever patch. Unexpectedly. Matthew avoided her. Just as she was feeling strange, his fingertips pushed away the hair on her forehead and stuck the fever patch in the middle of her forehead. 
The icy cold feeling instantly soothed the heat, but the feeling of Matthew’s fingers lingering on her forehead was too clear and ambiguous, Valerie even had the illusion that her body temperature was getting higher. 
Her cheeks were slightly red. She quickly picked up the glass of water and took two sips. However, her actions to hide her embarrassment were too clumsy. Matthew easily saw through it. 
He raised his eyebrows slightly and showed a trace of interest in his eyes. 

Although she was sick now and looked pitiful, he felt that she was quite cute when he saw her blushing and taking small sips of water, 
She now gave off a soft feeling. Even when she spoke, she was in a daze and slow. 
There was something else that she probably did not realize, When she drank water, she would subconsciously suck on it. Hence, both sides of her cheeks bulged. Her pink checks looked really easy to bully, making one want to poke them 
He almost reached out. 
He wondered why after getting sick, she seemed to have become cuter. 
Matthew’s eyes were deep as he suppressed the thoughts in the depths of his heart 
He asked, “How do you feel now?” 
Valerie said, “I feel better already” 
Marthew instructed, “If you still feel uncomfortable, tell me. I’ll send you back to your room to rest now.” 

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I can walk on my own… Valerie stood up as she spoke, but before she could finish speaking, she staggered and almost fell forward. 
He found it quite unbelievable that she was still so stubborn while sick like that 
Matthew understood her personality. He knew that there was no need to discuss this with her. He picked her up and sent her to her room. 
Valerie could not struggle, nor did she have the strength to struggle. She could only obediently nestle in his arms like a cat. 
Only then did Matthew look less harsh. However, he did not know if it was his imagination, but he had already had this feeling when he sent her upswins just now Now, the feeling was even clearer. He raised his eyebrows. “Valerie, are you heavier than before?” 
She was slender but had nice boobs and butts. Now that he was carrying her, the feeling was softer than before. It was a good thing for him. 
However, just as he finished speaking, he felt the woman in his arms stiffen. 
“No. No. Valerie denied it as she felt guilty. She was afraid that Matthew would think that she was pregnant, so she quickly denied it. 
However, Manhew did not seem to believe it. She immediately became even more nervous. In order not to make Mathew really suspicious, she clenched her fists and quickly thought of a countermeasure. In a moment of desperation, she actually blurted out, “It’s clearly because you’ve turned weak that you can’t carry me!” 
Matthew frowned and asked, “Valerie, do you know what you’re talki 
you’re talking about?” 
Valerie was already in a daze from the fever. She only knew that she could not let Matthew know that she was pregnant. Therefore, she was not afraid of Matthew’s glare. Instead, she snorted and said, “I didn’t say anything wrong!” 
Mathew was speechless. 
If it weren’t for the fact that she was sick, he would probably have thrown her onto the bed and let her feel it to see if he had turned weak. 
11:00 AM P