Chapter 174 
Matthew said, “You don’t want to go to the hospital?” 
Valerie immediately shook her head. “No 
Matthew stopped in his tracks when he heard this, but his gaze turned sharp. “Valerie, do you know how serious your fever is?” 
Of course, Valerie knew, but she just couldn’t go to the hospital. 
She held back her guilt and made an excuse. “Mr. Grant, the peak hour hasn’t passed yet. If we go to the hospital now, the journey might take an hour. If I’m stuck halfway, I’ll only feel worse.” 
Matthew found that it made sense. Indeed, the traffle at this time would be a little troublesome. If they got unlucky and encountered a traffic jam, it would take a long time. 
Matthew put Valerie down. She was about to heave a sigh of relief when she heard him continue, Then I call a doctor over. 
Valerie was shocked again.. 

She didn’t know that he would call a doctor to their house. 
Seeing that Matthew was really going to get his phone to make a call, Valerie immediately panicked. She couldn’t care less about the pain and quickly grabbed his arm again. “Mr. Grant, stop it. There’s no need to do this. How can you call a doctor to come to our place? Getting medical service from a private doctor is very expensive. With our conditions, how can we afford to spend so much money?” 
It could be seen that she really cared about money. Matthew immediately fell silent and wanted to say something but hesitated. 
Actually, he planned to call his personal doctor, whom he paid based on a fixed annual salary. 
Valerie thought that he had not given up on calling the doctor. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand even tighter so that he could not get the phone. “Mr. Grant, listen to me. Actually, there’s no problem with me. I’m used to having a fever and cold occasionally since I was young. I’m prone to gelling sick. I’m already used to it. 
She was not lying to him. She had been malnourished since she was young. In addition, her figure had always been thin and unable to gain weight. To put it nicely, she was slender. To put it bluntly, she was weak and sickly. If she was a little tired or caught a cold in the wind, she would fall sick. 
She spoke very seriously. When she saw that Matthew seemed to believe her, she immediately heaved a sigh of relief. She did not notice the sorry look in Marthew’s eyes. 

She went on and said, “So in order to prevent such a situation. I usually prepare some anti–thermal patches and take physical cooling measures.” Matthew remembered that when he took the thermometer, there were indeed two boxes of fever patches in the medicine box. He immediately went to take them. Then, he rummaged through the medicine box. “Where is the medicine? 
Valerie said, “The medicine… 
woman take to 
fever medicine‘ 
How could a pregnant woman 
Valerie said, “Mr. Grant, you don’t know this, but I’ve been taking 100 many medicines since I was young. Medicines for colds and fevers don’t work well on me, and they can easily burden the liver and kidneys, so I don’t usually take medicine. I use a physical method to reduce my fever first. If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to the hospital later. However, I don’t usually need to go to the hospital. My immune system can defeat the virus.” 
She thought, “Tra sorry, Mr. Grant. I lied to you again! 
Valerie quietly made a face. 
It was not that she was irresponsible to herself and her baby. In order not to go to the hospital, she would rather endure her fever. It was just that she had done some work at the beginning of her pregnancy. She knew that even if she went to the hospital in her condition, the doctor would not prescribe medicine for her directly. Instead, she would be told to bear it herself.. 
Although her fever was very serious, she did not feel too uncomfortable. Since that was the case, the most important thing now was to lower the temperature. 
Matthew did not suspect anything this time. He took the heat–reducing sticker and refilled her glass. 
To be safe, after doing all this, he quietly went to the balcony and called the private doctor. He instructed the other party to wait at a hotel near the neighborhood to prevent Valerie’s condition from worsening so that the private doctor could come to treat her at any time. 
After hanging up the phone, Matthew returned and was surprised to see an interesting scene 
Valerie was removing the fever patch. 
11.06 AM D 
Chapter 174 
She did not feel anything just now, but when she removed the fever patch, she felt that she was indeed a little dizzy from the fever. After trying for a long time, she could not remove the plastic seal behind the fever patch. Valerie was so anxious that she frowned. 
She felt really unlucky. When she was sick, even a fever patch went against her. 
She angrily placed the fever patch in front of her eyes and gritted her teeth as she warned, “That’s enough. You can’t bully me like this…. 
“You’re just a fever patch. You have to complete your mission. 
“If you don’t cooperate obediently, I will abandon you…