Chapter 55 
nory loss and my dormant woll” 
“Curse?” I stutter, challenging gher statement. “Wasn’t it the trauma of my parents‘ death that caused my memory 
Maya bristles as I contradict her, 
“It was another healer that told us so,” Eli clarifies, probably also feeling the anger of the witch 
“The healer was mistaken,” she says simply. “Your wolf is enveloped in a curse, though it is fighting it off with renewed strength. Your wolf is stron and it might have been able to break free with just that. Did you undergo a ritual under the Harvest Moon, perhaps with a Moonstone!” 
1 just mod. I haven’t shared any of that with her. 
“You pieced together a lot there,” Eli compliments Maya, trying to smooth things over after my earlier unintentional slight. “I’m just curious how you got to your conclusion. This is all news to us 
“No need to butter me up. Maya says bluntly. “It’s not hard for a witch to tell what curses are placed on the victim. Have you been feeling painful and dizzy lately!” 

“Yes, I have. I thought it’s my wolf trying to wake up.” 
“A healer told you that, right?” Maya scoffs. “One of these days, I swear I have to teach these all–show–and–no–go guys a tough lesson. They need to look beyond the superficial symptoms and dig into the root cause!” 
my heart, I beg for forgiveness from my friend–Castor, please forgive me for not defending you. This girl is really hot–tempered and I don’t want to offend her more than I might already have. 
Eli doesn’t seem to feel bad for Castor as much as I do. He asked, “Then why is my sister feeling this way?” 
Maya answers, “It’s this old curse that is now making the new curse so much more violent. There are two forces of dark magic acting on her and on 
her woll 
I take a deep breath. I had always thought that my dormant wolf was because of the loss of my parents. What if I had been wrong? 
“Is it possible,” I stan slowly. “Could it be possible that whoever placed that curse on me is responsible for the fate of my parents as well? 
Maya is silent for a moment. 
“11 is more than possible,” she admits. “The curse on you is a very dark one. I wouldn’t put murder past the person that placed this curse on you. Your wolf is like it’s wrapped up in barbed wire made of silver. Every breath is torturous to it. It has been trying to break free since the curse was placed but it’s near impossible to move.” 
Eli snarls beside me… 
I took a deep breath, feeling pain in my chest. I had just been missing my wolf, but she has been living in torture this entire time. I should have tried to free her carber, I should luve known that something was very wrong. 
Another thing hits me, if this was done purposefully, then my parents death was no accident either. Maya even spoke of murder, and the killer is out there, very likely to be a witch just like Evelyni. 
But who that might be? Would it be Evelyn herself! 
However, I didn’t know Evelyne at all. I wonder if i had any clues on who might be th 
might be the culprit for our parents‘ death. 
“What he can you say about the person that put the first curse?” Eli demands, taking a step towards Maya, but I stop him with a hand on his chest. “Would you be able to lift the curse?” I ask hi 
her. “Or maybe trace it to see who it was that had placed it on me the first time?” 
“1” Maya atutters, struggling for the first time since I’ve been here. “I can’t be sure. I would have to do quite some research. Also, your wolf is fighting an of much more valiantly now that the Harvest Moon has strengthened it. I don’t believe that your wolf needs the curse to be undone in order to larrak free. It will happen in time no matter what” 
Her words were both a comfort and not. It is amazing to hear the strength of my wolf, but I’m not sure that it will be quick enough. 
I sigh and quell the growing emotions inside me. I need to deal with one thing at a time. As much as I want to investigate my parents‘ death due to the newly found information, Thave to wait. 
Once my baby and I are safe, then I can spend time further investigating that accident from five y 
“Don’t worry.” Eli tells me before I even have a chance to speak. “First we save you and this little one. sure Rafe and Sluwn would agree with me on this” 
And then we get revenge for our 
parents. Tim 
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Chapter 55 
“Thank you.” I can not be more grateful for my brothers for their understanding 

“Miss Darkwood,” I turn to Maya and say, “We’ve identified where Evelyn might be. However, our intel says that her residence might be protected by magic. May I count on your help to find her! 
The woman glares at me. 
“You said nothing about me actually going with you guys! Entering a master witch’s territory without permission can be suicidall” she says again, before huffing. “It will come with an additional cost.” 
1 grimace. I’m racking up quite a debt on Ethan’s name. 
*Money is not a problem.” Eli says, “In addition to that, once this is done, we’ll also hire you for your next job to find out who placed the first curse on my sister.” 
“Another three thousand gold Maya arches her brow and grins. 
That isn’t too bad at all 
and I want to borrow the Moonstone you obtained, as well as the apparatus used to contain it.” 
“I can’t make any promises about the Moonstone or the Artefact, but I will see what I can do.” I will be owing Castor a lot after this. “As long as it’s a borrow, I may be able to figure something out” 
“Then I guess I’ll be hearing from you soon, Princess.” 
The purple–haired witch waves as I exit her shop. I suddenly take a deep breath, nos realizing how dense magic makes the air, the air outside being much cleaner and thinner. 
We travel back to the palace and find Ethan where I left him, though Castor is now with him. They are hunched over the map and other notes. 
“Good news, bad news, and a surprise,” I say as I enter, “Which would you like to hear first.” 
“Whichever is the most helpful in this scenario,” Ethan mutters. I take it you found Maya Darkwood” 
I pull up a chair and sit down. 
“I did. She has agreed to help us for a hefty price.” 
“Winches do love their prices,” Castor muses “Good thing that our king is generous. What does she ask for?” 
I glance at him with pity. I bet you won’t be able to laugh once you hear what her requests are. 
“In total, Eight thousand gold and lifetime tenancy in the Royal Capital, free of tax, 
Ethan chuckles, “Makes sense. I’ll have that arranged.” 
“We’ll cover half of the cost, to be fair,” Ela tells him, and Ethan nods. 
I hesitate before turning to Castor. “She also wants access to the Moonstone and your family’s artifact.” 
Castor scowls. As I expected 
“The Moonstone is no one’s propeny–but as for the necklace, I loaned it to you because you are royalty. But for me to random witch_” 
He glances over at Fron 
I feel bad. “I know I am asking a lot of you, Castor, especially after everything you’ve done for me already.” 
Ethan titles his head, “You know that 200 acres of hunting ground land you’ve been asking for? You have it now.” 
to place it in the hands of some 
Castor’s hesitation immediately turns into a fluttery grin. I never knew that the Duke’s expression can change so quickly. He smiles at me, “Dear Princess Ariella, it’s my honor to sacrifice for the future of the kingdom, so I will gladly loan the necklace to the witch! You have no idea how long I’ve begged His Majesty for this and he has turned me down for so long!” 
I blink. Um_ what have I just done! 
“Shut up, Castor,” Eshan says as he turns to me. “So what is the bad news?” 
I clear my throat. “The bad news is that she says it’s not a simple curse that she can just lift with a counter spell.” I explain, “She can possibly alleviate the cure to an extent given that she can find out the ingredients Evelyn used” 
210 PM1 
Chapter 55 
“That is lew than what I was hoping for,” Ethan’s pow clenches, but not as bad as what I thought. And what’s the surprise?” 
I glance at Eli and my 
my heart sinks. 14 
I don’t want to tell him but I have to: “It’s about my Mom and Dad, and my woll” 
“Flaborate” Fihan says. 
“Maya Darkwood serised that there is another curse on me, a curse that’s wolf. And five years ago. was when my parents died” 
hat’s about five years old, placed on me to block my memories and subdur my 
Ethan’s face darkness as the realization downs on him. “You mean what happened to you and your parents wasn’t an accid witch’s doing Who Evelyn 
net Evelyn was at my wedding with 
I sigh. “Not sure. As far as I remember, the first time that I’ve ever met 
Eli adds, “My brothers and I also know nothing about her until just a few days ago 
Ethan nods. “In that case, the only way to finel out is to confront Evelyn”