Chapter 46 
“Ethan, WAKE UP!” I yell, my heart pounding in my chest with fear. 
He can’t be dead, he just can’t be. I haven’t even told him about the baby y 
“Castor, do something!” 
Castor coughs and shakes his head. That’s all my energy. It’s all up to his own self–heal now. Hopefully-” 
“Hopefully” is not enough!” 1 snap, but then I realize that I really shouldn’t lash on Castor. 
*I understand, Your Highness, Castor smiles bitterly, “Believe me, I wish I could do more.” 

Ethan groans suddenly, turning over. 
Gastor and I both sigh in relief. 
“You guys are very loud, Ethan grumbles Tim all right 
“You almost died! I scold him, but then I lower my head as tears finally stream down my cheeks. 
“But I didn’t,” he smiles smugly, but when he sees my tears, he coaxes, “Hey Ariella, I’m fine. It’s over now. Did we get enough blood?” 
“I think so.” I look up at him and my tone sharpens. “But how could you 
“Shhh… You can lecture me more later. For now, help me up, we have to finish it.” 
Castor and I help him to his feet. He keeps hold of us for balance. 
“The Moonstone,” he croaks, “hold it to the cauldron.” 
Nodding. I pull the necklace from my neck and hold it like Ethan instructed. The Moonstone begins to glow and hum loudly. Suddenly the blood in the vessel transforms into a swirling mass of red fog, it floats into the air before being sucked into the Moonstone. 
I gaze in awe at the stone, once gleaming silver–white, now a deep crimson red. 
“Put it on,” Ethan says, out of breath. 
I clasp it around my neck. The vibrations quell down to a gentle hum. 
“Is it over?” I ask. 
“It’s over,” Castor confirms and pulls out a roll of gauze and hands it to me. “I don’t have any energy now. Princess, do you mind bandaging His Majesty’s cut for me?” 
I take it from him and give him a nod 
He then addresses my brothers. “King Eli and King Rafe, could you lend me a hand getting back to my rooint Also, you both may have many questions for Marcus. I’ll be more than happy to show you the way to his cell if you want.” 
It’s evident that Castor is trying to usher my brothers out of the room, but both Eli and Rafe remain silent this time 
Once Ethan and I are alone, I kneel beside him and begin to wrap the gauze around his wound. 
“Please, promise me you won’t do something like that again,” I start. 
Ethan smirks weakly, “There’s nothing left but to feast on your hunt. Smooth sailing from here on out 
His eyes fix on me. I used to think his gaze was icy cold. Ruthless, even cruel. However, at this moment, the blue in his eyes reminds me of a tranquil lake. Calm, and almost gentle. 
Overwhelmed by emotion, I lean in and kiss him. He responds eagerly, immediately asserting dominance. 
“Once I’m back to full strength, I’m going to claim what’s mine again he pants, his unwounded arm pulling me closer 
y in the world did I think he was calm and gentle? 
“Once you’re at full strength, I’ll probably slap you.” I shoot back 
Chapter 46 
I mean to sound serious, but I can’t help but let out a small laugh. 
I stood in my room at the Duke’s Estate and waited patiently for my brother’s to pass their decision as Kings 
“So I need to change, again.” I say, as they reject the fourth gown for the evening. “You both realize we’re expected in the dining hall in an hour, right? Time’s ticking” 
“People are used to waiting for royalty,” Rafe remarks casually, waving his hand, “What they’re not used to is royals looking drab,” 
“Especially a newly found Princess who just partook in her first hunt,” Eli chimes in. “Go change. Maybe the next dress won’t make you look like a weak peasant girl wandering the streets.” 
I stick my tongue out at them before complying 
Slipping into the new dress, I find it far more form–fitting than the previous ones. I quickly add the finishing touches to my hair and jewelry. If my brothers still have problems with this dress, they’ll just have to deal with it. We can’t afford to be late. I need to be on time to eat some of my kills as part of the ceremony. 
“Okay,” 1 announce 
as re–enter the room. “It’s either this or stark naked,” 

I stop short as I see Ethan in the room as well. Other than looking a little palle, he seems to have recovered from almost bleeding out to death. My face burns. 
He heard what I said, did he? “Um, hi, Ethan. I didn’t hear you come in 
says nothing, simply staring at me in the gown. His eyes narrow as he takes in the tight fit 
Am I showing my pregnant belly? 1 panic for a moment. 
No, it’s far too early for that. 
“It looks perfect, Ethan finally comments. “Please allow me to accompany you to the ball,” 
e remarks dryly. “Apparently two Kings aren’t enough.” 
Ethan shoots back, “King Rafe, you probably would have a better chance of finding your own mates at the feast if you’re not already accompanied by a lady. Ariella, shall we go?” 
Rafe huffs but Eli pulls him back. “See you there. An 
Taking Ethan’s offered arm, I wave back to my brothers, “See you there soon 
Ethan is Alpha King and honored guest. So he is seated at the High Table at the center seat, and I’m on his left and Kyle is on his right 
After everyone has taken their seat, my brothers included, Ethan raises his glass. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we gather to celebrate the end of the Harvest Moon Festival. This meal is a reward for our skillful hunters and our gratitude for the abundance of nature. Enjoy the feast, savor each bite, and let the camaraderie of this evening fill our hearts with joy and strength. Cheers to a successful Harvest Moon Hunt!” 
Venison steak is served first. The succulent meat is still steaming like it h 
t has just been removed from the flames. My mouth waters at the sight of it. 
1 spear a large piece of the meat on my fork and bite off a chunk. The flavor explodes in my mouth, and I swore I could taste the deer’s entire life. I feel the forest thrumming through it as it grows and runs, I feel the spring of the water, I feel the softness of the grass. 
This is what I hunted, what I killed. Not to waste its life but to honor it. This was a completion of a cycle. It would live on through the strength that it gave me. Until one day I returned to the soil, and something else would live on through my strength. 
In this moment, I truly feel I belong to something so much bigger than myself. 
“Ariella.” Ethan leans in and whispers imo my ear,” 
my ear, “Take a look at your eyes.” 
points to the shining silver plate in front of me and I see it–the glowing yellow of the wolf that must be inside of me. 
“Um cute daws,” he comments again. 
I look down and see my nails elongated. Longer than they would ever have grown just as a normal person. They are turning into claws of wolves, 
Chapter 46 
My heart races as though it’s struck by lightning. A hum of wild energy courses through me. 
“It’s not fully awake yet,” Castor, who is sitting on my other side explains, “But your wolf is stirring.” 
Then I sense something–something pulling me in a certain direction. My gaze follows the flow of the energy and find the pull is from Ethan’s 
It’s as though his heart is glowing within his chest. The light draws me in. 
Ethan notices that I’m staring at him and asks. “Are you all right?” 
“Y–yes” I say quickly as 1 pull myself away from the odd sensation. “Everything is fine.” 
The feast goes on and slowly, people get up from the table and start to mingle in the banquet room. 
“A moment of your time, Princess,” Castor taps me on the shoulder and gestures for me to follow him. 
I feel Ethan’s gaze follow us as we leave the dining hall. 
“First of all, congratulations on your wolf stirring he starts. 
“Thank you.” I reply sincerely. “I can’t thank you enough.” 
He smiles charmingly. “It’s my pleasure, Your Highness. Please be patent though. The awakening process could take days or months. It really depends on the person and what caused the wolf to go dormant.” 
I nod “I understand 
“Now, with everything going on,” he says once we get to a quieter section of the banquet room. “I hope you have not forgotten the king needs know about the child in your belly 
“I haven’t forgotten.” I sighed, “After everything he’s done for me, I owe him the truth” 
“In that case,” Castor murmurs, kissing the back of my hand before departing. I trust you to choose the right moment and manner to deliver the 
news to him.” 
The evening breeze gently caresses my face, and I stand there in silence, allowing myself a moment to gather my thoughts. 
-What did you guys 
tys talk about?” asks a voice behind me