Chapter 34

1 then does out return to the tent for the rest of the night to turn in the blankets but can’t shut my bean off. His inseler wwwds ring like a bell in my head.

Jon when I thought there could be something more to him, something more between us than what we started as reality comes to wo things right.

At least I know where I stand with him


lly 1 hear the birds begin to chirp, signaling the start of the day. I don my fallen clothes and step outside to the sight of Ethan clearing up the campsite.

We’re beading home.” He says without even looking at the

“Your home,” I correct him. “Not mine?

He narrows his eyes and I can tell he’s frustrated, but what do I care

Eventually, he says, “I have a helicopter picking us up half a mile away”

I keep quiet for now and follow him to a clearing where the thundering sound of the chopper can be heard. We board the aircraft and I bury my head in the book for most of the flight

“Have you read through the chapter on dormant wolves entirely Ethan asks calmly.

I stare at him. How can he be so nonchalant? How can he just go right back to normal like nothing had even happened between us? But then again, why am I surprised? That was exactly what he had done the first time, too. But it still shakes me. “Uhm. I” I stutter, I wish I could have his coolness, the indifference comes with the confidence of a crown. But it isn’t me The stared, but I’m not sure I understand everything, and it’s all over the place.”

“The book is simple enough,” Ethan says swiftly, cutting me off. But I can see the small corners of his lips tugging, like he’s trying to suppress a smile. The Harvest Moon Festival, and a Moonstone. Those are the two most important ingredients “Maybe,” I tell him. “But those are also the two most rare things that exist in our world. Do you know when last there was true Harvest Moon A normal one comes once every five years, but a true Harvest Moon comes once every five decades.”

“And this so happens to be the decade, Ethan says, waving his hand. “I’ve already checked, Ariella. I’m not going to bring you an impossibility as a solution

He speaks like I’ve offended him somehow, but I don’t even know how I would do that

“And the Moonstone,” I tell him, even if we are at the right moment in time to do the ceremony, we still don’t have the Moonstone

Ethan stares up at the ceiling

That is a bit more of a problem,” he admits. “But I have a solution.”

I want for him to say something more, but nothing is forthcoming

“Well I prompt him “Are you going to tell me what it is

“Yes,” Edun sayt getting out of bed slowly. “When we arrive back at the Palace

Chege a



kgever beenbores are waiting for the enemy for ongoing the family reunion if I were you

own of her palace 16 park members take our luggage inside as Kyle comes out

he knows what transpired between “Prince Eli and

Tand mersing Tue Pixen” Pyle prents with a onir, at the Shrina Runde se exped; awwading you be the meeting room, they have been restless in one their tister again.””


Jobgong Prome, Holi undertone. Eli uvě Rafe probably gave him a ford time during these last few days. That’s my fault,

The te them sitimely, Dhan says yes quickly shifting to me

Where in the mering hall large wom with a massive pak table in the center Standing near the large window is Bad and The Faces light up when they see me and I run to them


I don’t remember my past, but I know this feeling of hugging them like I haven’t forgotten

“We pred that you weren’t here when you arrived.” Rafe says with a frown, his gaze shifting to Ethan, addressing

“Outer letter inates that she wanted to come home immediately. We expected her to be waiting for us when we arrised. Not in some remote part of the Kingdom we didn’t even know she had been taken to

Ethan goes a hollow smile “I hope you can forgive the misunderstanding. I had made plans to show Ariella my northern estate before sending you that message. I hope Kyle treated you well during my absence.”

These anempend to distract as very well. Rafe retorts sharply. Hoping that we wouldn’t notice that you took our sister somewhere without our consent specifically to avoid having to deal with us coming here.”

Burlops diplomatically before this escalates

Tour Majesty. Byle treated us as though we were family,” Eli acknowledges with a tilt of the head, a slight emphasis on his last word, a gentle reminder to Ethan of their standing, too. “And speaking of family; Shawn regrets that he could not be here as well, but he had undertaken to oversee the military exercises. He hopes you understand.”

too well.” Erhan says, his words tight. “Well, you must be eager to return home, but while we are here we should discuss

“Yes we should.” Els states, “However, we cannot simply ignore the insult left upon our family. We arrived here urgently at the behest of our sister, whose letter sounded as if she were in distress, only to arrive and find you have taken her to a far off

I did leave Kyle with a formal letter of apology!

“An apology by proxy means nothing when our sister’s safety is at stake, Rafe snarls, bearing his fangs at Ethan.

Ethan growds in return.

I step forward, sensing violence oozing off my brothers and Ethan I’m not versed in court politics, but even I can see that my brothers are threatening to pull out of the whole deal because of Ethan’s actions. As much as I’m frustrated with Ethan and am happy that my brothers are barking me up, I can’t really let them start a fight. I need to say something

Suddenly the door treaks open and Kyle enters, an envelope in his hands.

“Apologies for the intrusion,” he says as he walks in, “but I have just received a message from Duke Castor Rineworthy, he is


16:41 Tue Jut 23

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hosting a Harvee Moon Festival in his region and humbly requers your attendance. Sire

A Harvest Moon Festival The words ping in my head courtesy of The Lupine Genesis

“Tell the duke that Artella and I will be attending” Ethan then turns to us, “King Eli and King Rafe are invited to stay and attend as well, the Harvest Moon Festival in my Kingdom is an experience not to be missed”

“De you speak on behalf of our sister now? Rafe bellows.

invitation in gracions, King Ethan,” Eli begins, still trying to keep his voice-and the atmosphere-calm, “but have lready been delayed in waiting for our sister and hadn’t planned on staying for this long to begin with-

“Anella needs to attend the Harvest Moon Festival to perform the ritual to retrieve it,” Ethan retorts. “Are you saying you don’t care about getting her wolf back

My brothers look at me, wide eyed.