Chapter 29



His lips are soft against mine. Maybe it’s the water, maybe it’s shething more, him, I don’t want to let go.

But whatever it is that’s pulling me towards

I feel Fahan’s hands reach around my waist and pull me closer him. I don’t object, More than that, I can admit that I’m encouraging. I make my hands higher over his chest, brushing fist his shoulders as I wind my arms behind his neck, gently pulling him closer

I am sure that a mountain could’t move Ethan if he didn’t want. But with my soft touch and coaxing, he came a little closer. His chest presses against mine. The ghost of a urinary lusters in the back of my mind, nothing clear though

Ethan’s lips pressing against mine, his tongue wipes across my lips. Asking for permission. I don’t remember this, it feels. new. But it leads to the same thing. I let him in either way

His tongue pushes past my lips, exploring and returning all at once.

His hands grasp tightly to my waist, leaving imprints that would last more than just a moment. His one hand trailed up my back as the other dug sleeper still into my side. I feel his hand smoke up into my hair, gripping tightly.

And then I feel like my air is gone, and I can’t breathe, and it’s rare than just the kiss and it scares me.

This kiss breaks, my eyes open and are meant with his intense gaze. Desire burns like an inferno. I want to say something, anything, but the words are foreign to ine now. Only my body speaks.

I keep my hands around his neck and gasp in surprise and his arms tighten around my bare waist and lift me out of the


My mouth opens to try and protest but is met with his lips again moan into kiss, losing myself once more

Ethan carries me back up the steps and into the manor. My eyes are close as we kiss, I don’t know where we are until I feel a soft bed beneath my naked back.

I finally open my eyes and my heart beats a million miles when I see him, his muscled form dripping with water as he hovers hungrily over me, like a wolf ready to devour his meal

1 reach with my palm to touch his firm chest. I am not myself. My mind is addled and filled with steam

“Bold of you.” He mutters distantly,

But I ignore him, my reason is too far gone. My hunger to inhibition.

taste, to indulge, is far greater than i

I place a kiss on his chest. A shiver runs through my body and a dash of memory runs through my mind. This feels right because I have done this action before. It feels dangerous yet safe at the same time.

1 kiss his chest agains, a little higher, closer to his neck. Ethan hus approvingly, his fingers run gently through my hair. “You feel it, don’t you?” He whispers hungrily. He leans close to my car, almost kissing it, “You feel you are mine. You know you are mine“

There is a growl within me. I want to deny him, to prove him wrong but I am just so hungry. All I want is to give in, to take

With fire in my heart, I kiss him again. More memories flash and I move in sync with them. I move my lips the same way, I touch his body in the same places, with the same animalistic dese



There via are.” he says breathily and sinirks

1 ignore it, 1 ignore everything that he had done to annoy me before, I ignore all the shitty things he had done. And in their place lagers the kindnesses he had shown me, the way he had dipped everything to save me, how he stayed by my side to help me heal, how he promised to reawaken my wif

I push hun slewn onto the bel This robe opens and my towel des to the ground. I feel no need to cover myself. Instead, my desir burim hotter to see his eyes drink in iny naked for

Ethan tries to maintain his persons of stoic control but I can see break. He reaches to cup my breast, eliciting from me at sharp moan

He leans forward and kisses my mipple, swirling his tongue artel it before taking it into his mouth. I feel his manhood expand against my inner thigh, a beast demanding entrance once more into my sacred place.

I remember this feeling, this hot primal feeling The memories that flash in my mind are bleary but this sensation is as clear as day. My body moves to those memories.

Ethan proceeds to kiss down my body, places tender yet passionate kisses along my ribs and my abdomen. He traces his hot tongue around my navel, eliciting a sharp moan from me as I arch my back.

I wance as pain shoots through me but I ignore it. I don’t want to feel the pain that remains. I want this; I want to know where his lips are going to go next.

The king places kisses along my pelvis, then down to my inner thighs where he bites and licks, edging ever closer to his sweet destination.

“Yes” I whimper with delight as I feel his tongue find its reward. run my hands through his dark hair, encouraging him to dig deeper, to indulge more and more.

My breath quickens. My heart races. Beads of sweat form alongside the remnants of spring water as I moan beneath his advances

“This is wrong. Ariella!’ I hear a distant voice of reason in my head. He kidnapped you! He’s enjoying your body while potentially being engaged to Cassandra! Stop this! Stop this now!

But my body refuses to listen, drowning out the voice of reason with moans and groans of pleasure.

Ethan rises from his feast, his lips wet and glistening with my honey.

“I want this,” I hear myself say, reaching for his member, “I want this.”

I want to remember what it was like the first time.


“I want this,” Ariella whispers hoarsely, her tender hands caressing my hardened member.

My wolf rumbles approvingly to her machinations, eager to feel the inside of her once more. I had wanted nothing more since she slipped from my bed that fateful night

Now she is beneath me, within my power, begging for me to ravage her.

The taste of her moist folds lingering on my lips drives me to insanity.

And then I look into her eyes and I pause. They are glazed and reisty, high on pleasure and bliss. I then drink in the rest of her naked form;


16:39 Tue, Jul 23

Chapter 29


Her body is healing, but her beauty is still marred by the scars a

In addition to her movements of sexual arousal, I notice a quiv

Her breathing is heavy, mingled with her whispers of arousal… daze the hotsprings have put her in. However, she will feel it on

I pull myself away from her with great difficulty and turn my fa

Ariella reaches for me in confusion but I pace her hands beside

“Be good,” I order, covering her beautiful body with the blanket. myself. “Your body is still too weak right now.”

She fights for a moment.

“Shh…” I wrap my arm around her and start rubbing her hair slow Thankfully, it doesn’t take too long before she gives in to the haz “I will have you.” I whisper into her ear, “Once you are healed and