“Are you afraid?” Jasmine raised her eyebrows provocatively, challenging me.
I shook my head. She clearly didn’t understand love.
Colin’s heart and mine were firmly tied together, so no one could tear us apart. What was there to be afraid of?
“Jasmine, if you’re really that confident, why do you have to use such dirty tricks? I’m an adult. There’s no use trying to goad me. But there is something I have to say whether you like it or not. Would you like to know?”
“Just say it,” Jasmine said coldly, her face full of anger. It was as if someone owed her a great debt.
“Your family background, appearance, education, and experience are all excellent, Jasmine. But you don’t seem to understand that not everything can be forced.
“Colin and I have a deep bond that started more than 20 years ago. Even if the person he ends up marrying isn’t me, it definitely won’t be you. So, I’d advise you not to waste your efforts.
“There are so many people in this vast world. Why do you have to make yourself miserable? It’s better to spend your time on people and things worthy of your attention-”
“Shut up!” she rudely interrupted me before I could finish. She then started accusing me angrily with her eyes, “I know what I’m doing. I don’t need your fake kindness. “Don’t think that I can’t tell that your so-called concern is actually just you showing off. Just you wait, I’ll definitely succeed and make you pay the price.”
Then, she wheeled herself away. Even looking at her back, I could tell that she was full of anger, but her words were resolute.
Looking at her unreasonable but arrogant figure, I really wanted to force her to the ground and rub dirt on her face.
How could someone who was always doing the wrong things like her be so shameless?
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Did I do something wrong? Why was everyone getting mad at me? Who did I offend? She did all those disgusting things yet I was the one who had to pay for the consequences? Where was the justice?
I stared at her back with an increasingly uneasy feeling.
In the past, Lilac was the
troublemaker, always giving me headaches. Now, it seemed that Jasmine was even more of a trouble than her. Not only did she haveza clever mind, but she also had a
Cerful background. She could set
traps for me at any time. Content
She could do anything just to have Colin. I couldn’t understand why she was so desperate to steal someone away like that. Didn’t she realize that others could do the same?
I didn’t know how long I stood there thinking about these things. It was only when my phone rang that I snapped out of my thoughts.
Colin noticed that I had been out for a while and got worried. He asked about my whereabouts and wanted to come to me.
“I’m in the garden,” I said into the phone, feeling completely drained.
“Okay, I’ll be there. Wait for me.”
Colin’s tall figure appeared in less than three minutes.
“What’s wrong? You look terrible.” He patted my face and pinched my cheeks Then, he gently kissed my forehead, letting his warm breath fall on my face. “You’re frowning Give
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me a smile.”
“I saw Jasmine.”
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“Jasmine?” He looked around in
surprise. “She’s here too? I didn’t see her. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
“She met Xavier and wanted to team up with him to plot against us.”
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A glimmer of coldness surged
immediately in his eyes. “Don’t worry, by I’ll protect you. Kwon’t let anything happen. Tell me, what did you hear?” The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
I recounted Xavier and Jasmine’s
encounter, which made Colin furrow
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his brows as anger appeared in his eyes. “How dare she think about that? out that? Does she really think money can buy her anything? Does she think that she can get away with any crime in this day and age? She’s The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
digging her own grave!”
“Colin, what do you think she wanted you to do for her the other day?”

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