Chapter 297 
“What are you doing here?” Chlor asked.. 
I’m here shopping. Do I need your permission for that?” Typically, Molly was all about keeping the peace and disliked arguments, but seeing Chloe drained the smile from her face. Molly quickly walked over to Stephanie, tugging her to indicate they should leave. Molly had no desire to stay around with such a woman. 
However, Chloe seemed determined to pick a fight. Teetering on her four inch high heels, she marched straight over and blocked Molly’s path, her tone dripping with arrogance. You came here to buy a gift for my son, didn’t you? 
“Andy is my son. Don’t even think about buying himʻgifts to get close to him. You’re aiming to marry Scott, right? Ha! Have you looked in the mirror lately? A woman like you is nothing more than a servant. What makes you think you have the right to please my son?” 
Chloe’s attitude made Stephanie furious. She wasn’t one to seek but trouble, but she also wasn’t someone who could be pushed around, especially not by a woman who was bullying her friend 
Just as Stephanie was about to confront her, she was surprised to see the umally meek Molly even more incensed. 
Molly scolded. “Who I buy gifts for is none of your business, Ms Moore. And you keep saying Andy is your son. But last time, you took him out to play in the water at an indoor pool in winter. Andy was left unsupervised while you were busy flaunting your bikini to attract other men. Andy might know a few swimming tricks, but he’s only six. If the lifeguard hadn’t noticed in time, he could have…..” 
Molly was seething her words cutting through the air. She couldn’t understand how such a mother could exist. 

Stephanie was shocked by what she heard, and even Hayley, standing beside Chloe, furrowed her brows, Chloe had always shown little affection for her own son, even harboring resentment for giving birth to him 
“Miss, here are the dominoes you wanted.” The sales assistant finally appeared, carrying a large box of dominoes from the warehouse. She noticed the tension among the customers, sensing the hostility in the air. 
These were the dominoes Molly had planned to give Andy as a Christmas gift. Knowing him, he would probably love them. 
Meanwhile, Chloe’s shopping cart also held a child’s toy, the hot–selling Af electronic puppy Stephanie had mentioned earlier. Since it was prominently displayed, it seemed like a casual purchase. 
Chloe realized that quarreling in public would benefit no one. She pushed her cart away with a dark expression, signaling a 
Molly didn’t want to make a scene either, but just as she lost focus for a moment, Chloe viciously rammed the wheels of her shopping can into her foot, causing her face to go pale with pain. 
Stephanie was furious when she saw this. She was not the kind to back down from a public argument. 
“Stop right there, Chloe! Stephanie stormed over, her anger palpable. 
Chloe always found it easy to pick on Molly, as if she looked down on her from the bottom of her heart, but truth be told, she was somewhat intimidated by Stephanie.. 
“What do you want?” Chloe retorted as she approached the checkout counter, where most customers were passing by. She didn’t think Stephanie would dare cause a scene. 
Stephanie’s face was grim as she clenched her teeth. “Apologize. I want you to apologize to Molly in front of everyone!” 
“Apologize to her? Who does she think she is?” Chloe was hot–tempered and mocked outright, “This is ridiculous. She tried to seduce my husband and even wanted to take my son away. You think I’ll apologize to such a slut in your dreams! 

“Everyone, look at her. That woman is the homewrecker!” Chloe pointed in the direction of Molly. 
Molly looked completely bewildered while the people around them started murmuring and casting suspicious glances. 
“If you dare to slander her again, Chloe, we’re not finished!” Stephanie was furious. She pushed aside a few customers and grabbed a handful of Chloe’s hair, delivering a resounding slap across her face. 
The bright red handprint left Chloe dazed. 
“How dare you?” Chloe was not one to be trifled with and immediately fought back, grappling with Stephanie. 
Stephanie e was swift and skilled, overpowering Chloe and pinning her to the ground. 
Stephanie wasn’t good at arguing, but she’d fight. It wasn’t the first time she had been taken to the station for fighting. 
Her grandfather had taught her not to let anyone bully her. 
Hayley was startled. She knew how powerful Stephanie’s karate was and immediately ran to the center to intervene. She tried to mediate calmly. “Stephanie, Andy is Chloe’s son, after all Even though Scott and Chloe are divorced, the bond. between mother and son remains unbreakable. Chloe may come off as blunt, but it’s because she feels Molly is getting too close to her son with questionable intentions. Her reaction makes sense.” 
“What questionable intentions?” 
Stephanie raised her head and retorted coldly, showing no patience toward Hayley. “Let me tell you all, just because Molly has a good temper doesn’t mean she has to put up with all of you. None of you are superior to anyone else. Wealth doesn’t make you great. Molly has been patient with you all, but I won’t stand for it anymore!” 
Stephanie yanked Chloe up by the back of her collar. Chloe, teetering on her four–inch high heels, stumbled. Her hair and clothes were in disarray, and she looked utterly disheveled. 
“Apologize to Molly right now!” Stephanie demanded, her right hand gripping Chloe’s throat as a stern warning. 
Chloe was terrified, her heavily made–up eyes wide with shock. 
Molly came back to her senses and quickly rushed over, grabbing Stephanie’s arm to stop her. “Stephanie, let it go. Don’t bother with her. Let’s just leave.” 
The store’s staff also approached, trying to mediate. “Ladies, if you have any disagreements, please talk it out calmly. Let’s refrain from acting impulsively 
Stephanie seemed oblivious to the pleas, her fury unyielding. Today, she was determined to settle the score with Chloe. “Apologize!” she shouted, her patience gone. 
Chloe’s face turned from pale to flushed with embarrassment and fear. She was experiencing what it meant to truly be reckless and unrestrained. 
Suddenly, a tall figure rushed over. “Stephanie, let her go.” 
The store’s two male employees took the opportunity to pull her away. Stephanie glared at the newcomer, Scott, her rage subsiding as she reluctantly released her grip. 
“Keep an eye on your ex–wife. Don’t let her out to bite people,” Stephanie snapped. Scott nodded, his face dark with displeasure, grateful that Stephanie hadn’t caused an even bigger scene. 
Chloe seemed genuinely shaken Scott helped her out of the store and into his car. 
With complicated expressions, Stephanie and Molly turned to live. Suddenly, Scott called out. “Molly, come to my place with me.” 
Stephanie was worried for her friend, and noting Molly’s bleeding toe from the earlier incident, she urged, “Ignore him.” 
“Molly, bring your Christmas gift and come back with me.” Scott insisted, his tone unyielding.