Chapter 539 
At that moment, an elderly man dressed as a gardener was trimining the bushes ahead, and Sophie took a few step forward to ask, 
The old man tumed around, his face half–covered with a red scarf, but Sophie immediately recognized him. 
In this life, Sophie had only me! Lennon twice, but she had heard countless legendary stories about him in her previous one. 
Despite wearing inconspicuous clothes, who else would weer bespoke French designer boots to tread through the muddy ground? Not to mention, the gardener outfit Lennon wore was a limited edition. 
The whole ensemble was worth at least seven figures. Who else’s gardener could command such a salary? 
Sophie did not expose him immediately but instead asked, “Excuse me, where is the main gate?” 
Faced with Sophie’s question, Lennon, with a stem face, said, “If you want to know, help me weed first.” 

Lennon pointed to the ground in front of them, which, despite not being overly weedy, was something the wealthy young ladies would find too dirty to handle and wouldn’t want to go near. 
Sophie didn’t argue and went straight to weeding for Lennon. 
Lennon was slightly surprised by Sophie’s action and took a closer look at her, Unexpectedly, Sophie, despite being a lady of wealth, was undeterred by weeding and spent half an hour in the garden without a single complaint. 
“Alright” Suddenly, Lennon interrupted Sophie. 
After finishing with the last of the weeds, Sophie stood up and asked, “Sit is there anything else you need?” 
Lennon had thought about making Sophie go through more trouble, but noticing her disheveled state, he coughed once and said, “No, there’s nothing else…” 
Before Sophie could speak, Lennon asked, “Can you process vegetables?” 
Lennon was immediately pleased when he heard Sophie say she could. “Then come with me!” 
He led Sophie through the back door to the kitchen on the first floor. 
The Costello family’s kitchen was huge, looking as if it could prepare meals for dozens of people. 
“Come on, hurry!” Lennon called Sophie over, saying, “I asked you that because you were diligent in weeding. The Costello family old man really loves homemade meals. I know you’re the Costello family’s future granddaughter–in–law. Can you cook?” 
“Yes, of course.” 
Sophie smiled, and Lennon, even more delighted, said, “That’s wonderful! You have no idea. It’s been years since the Costello patriarch had a homemade meal! The chef’s food is good, but it’s not the same as what family members make!” 
Lennon asked, “Child, what do you like to eat?” 
“Pie, I guess. I make a good pie.” 
“Pie? I love ple, too!” 
As soon as Lennon said this, he realized he had given himself away and quickly tried to cover it up, saying, “I mean, Lennon loves pie. If you could make some for him, he’d be overjoyed!” 
“Alright, then I’ll show you what I can do.” 
Sophie rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair up high. She kneaded the dough, rolled it out, and prepared the filling with Lennon assisting her. An hour later, Sophie, with flour–covered hands, wiped her cheeks and soon had several round pies baking in the oven. “Just a few more minutes until they’re ready.” 
Watching Sophie busy at work, Lennon asked, “Child, who taught you to make pies?” 
“I learned it from my parents when I was very young.” 
“And your parents…” 
“They’ve passed away.” 
Sophie casually chatted with Lennon, who, after a long silence, said, “My son and daughter–in–law have also passed away.” 
Sophie paused for a moment, and Lennon continued, “But I still have a grandson who takes after me. He looks just like I did when I was young, the spitting image… It’s just too bad we’re too much alike…” 
Chapter 539 
As Lennon spoke, his eyes also welled up with tears. 
Sophie said, “Sir, the pies are ready” 
“Would you like to try one?” 
With every response being affirmative, Sophie served the pies and plated some relish. She asked, “Do they taste good?” 
“Delicious! These are the best pies I’ve had in decades!” 
I pass the test?” 
So, did in 
You did 
Lennon’s words trailed off as he looked up in surprise at Sophie, who was smiling. Before he could react, the kitchen door was kicked 
Colby stood outside the kitchen, his face grim Tuming to see Colby, Lennon couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. 
Sophie was startled, “Colby? What are you doing here?”