Chapter 230 I Wonder What They Have Planned 
“So, how do you justify the wound on your hand? The lengths your family has gone to just to obtain my blood sample are truly remarkable,” Kallum stated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Hearing these accusatory words, Charlene was overwhelmed with a mix of guilt and fear. Cold sweat beaded on her forehead, and she was unsure if it was due to the pain from her arm or the sheer panic gripping her heart. She gazed at Kallum, her eyes wide with turmoil, and her body ceased struggling; instead, she began to sob uncontrollably, her voice tinged with desperation. 
“M–Mr. Kallum, please, I beg you to forgive me! I didn’t intend for any of this to happen! I’m your cousin! It was merely out of curiosity, nothing more. It wasn’t a plan orchestrated by my family!” 
Calista observed the unfolding scene with a bored expression, eventually tossing the bag aside and releasing Charlene. 
Maybe it was the residue of the fear she had instilled, but as soon as Calista let go, Charlene began to slump against the corridor wall, slowly sliding down until she was forced to squat to keep from collapsing entirely. 

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Kallum summoned Ryder, who seemed to materialize from thin air. “Throw her out, and make sure to remove everyone who accompanied her as well,” he commanded. 
“Mr. Kallum!” Charlene’s plea was filled with desperation as tears streamed down her face. “Please, don’t do this, Mr. Kallum! We are family!” The thought of her parents also being expelled fille her with dread; the punishment she would face at home would be severe. 

“I have no need for relatives who conspire against me,” Kallum declared coldly as he continued walking away with Calista, who seemed to relish the drama. 
“I had a hunch tonight’s banquet would be quite entertaining,” Calista remarked with a mischievous smile. “I’m curious about what other surprises they might have planned for you.” 
Kallum’s expression grew serious. “Tonight is probably just a preliminary test. Knowing the nature of these people, the real spectacle is likely still to come.” 
As they entered the banquet hall, all eyes turned towards them. The room was filled with genuine smiles, beaming with sincerity. 
Quintus and three others positioned themselves around Kallum, forming a protective circle that prevented anyone from coming within a meter of him, effectively isolating him within a small, guarded 
“Mr. Kallum, you are truly fortunate. Even the K Virus couldn’t subdue you. It’s quite impressive!” A portly middle–aged man approached, one of the company’s shareholders, his eyes sharp yet somewhat elusive as he appraised Kallum. 
Many shared the man’s intent, but thanks to Quintus and his team, they were kept at bay, preventing any further incidents like the one with Charlene. 
Kallum exchanged a few curt words with the shareholder, then made his way to Wanda, his demeanor softening. “Happy birthday, Mom,” he greeted warmly. 
10:51 Tue, 4 Jun DJ T 
Chapter 230 | Wonder What They Have Planned 
“Thank you, my dears,” Wanda accepted the gifts, her eyes moist with emotion as she looked on at Kallum and Calista. If it hadn’t been for the setting, she might have cried tears of joy. 
After making the customary greetings, Kallum addressed the gathered crowd, his voice clear and composed. “Today, I am deeply grateful to all of you for joining us to celebrate my mother’s birthday.” 
His gaze swept over the assembly, his eyes not quite as warm as his words. He knew all too well the difference between those who were genuine and those merely putting on an act. 
“However, as some of you may know, I recently had an accident and received the K Virus antibody injection. I am currently in the recovery period and have been advised by my doctor to rest. Therefore, I won’t be able to stay long tonight. Once I have fully recovered in a month or two, I promise to host another gathering to celebrate properly with everyone.” 
The crowd responded warmly, most seeming to believe that Kallum’s recovery was well underway. And even if there were doubters, none dared to challenge his statement openly. 
Yet, as is often the case, unexpected developments were bound to arise. 
Suddenly, a new voice called out, “Mr. Kallum, you wouldn’t mind if I showed up uninvited, would you?” 
The banquet attendees murmured among themselves, curious about the newcomer no one seemed to remember inviting. This was intriguing because each guest had been allowed a plus–one, yet no one could place this individual. 
Kallum did not recognize him at first, but others did. 
“Warrick? What brings you here?” 
Varrick Zielinski, a slim man with a cunning smile, replied, “Well, I do have some connections with the Fairchild family, don’t I? So why shouldn’t I be here at a family banquet?” 
It then dawned on Kallum that this man was a former shareholder who had been ousted, a minor foe of the Fairchilds. 
Seeing no reason to engage in petty disputes, Kallum was prepared to leave, but Warrick quickly interjected, “It’s only natural for Mr. Kallum to rest if he’s feeling unwell. I just wanted to ask Ms. Stafford a few questions in front of everyone today.” 
Positioning Calista protectively behind him, Kallum turned to face Warrick directly, raising an eyebrow and smiling coldly. “And what right do you have to question her? If I remember correctly, you’re nothing more than the least favored illegitimate offspring of a disgraced family. Callie is my treasure. You’re overestimating yourself, don’t you think?”