Xade’s pov

The savage rage and need to kill the m*therf*cker was too great to care about my exposure to the human world. As my beast lunges for him, his terrified shocked eyes bulge and his fingers loosen on my mate’s neck as he crawls off of her.

What the fuck!?” He yelled in terror just as my jaws snapped around his ankle. He screamed in pain as I tugged, bringing him down to the floor. The metallic taste of his blood filled my mouth and though it was as disgusting a*s him, it fueled my rage.

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The nasty b*ta*d attempts to slip out of my jaws but I down harder until I feel his pathetic bones crumble un The rage was blinding and all I could see was red. Bloody red.

His voice, his screams, and his pleas were music to my ears. The red liquid filled my mouth, dripped down the corners and painting the floors scarlet. My beast reveled in the pain we were inflicting on the b*stard.


There are many voices behind me, all sounding terrified and panicked. At the moment, so blinded by blood lust, I don’t care that I am exposed and later on I would be in grand trouble with the council and my father.

All I can think about is having Kyan’s dead body under me.

Help!” He begged the onlookers, his eyes filled with tears of pain.

We can’t!” One yelled in terror. “That’s a huge wolf!”



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“How did a wolf’ even get in here!?” Another voiced out their confusion. “It’s so huge, it doesn’t look normal.”

“That’s Xade!” Kyan yelled, sobbing and wailing as my wolf let go of his ankles to tear through his upper thigh.

What the hell does he mean that’s Xade?! That’s clearly an animal!” Someone said confused.”

“Stop just standing there and get this animal off me!” Kyan wailed in pain when my teeth sink into the bone of his knee, snapping it and making sure he’d not ever be able to walk again. Or perhaps I’l just finish him off here.

Kyan pleaded, his voice bouncing off the walls, but it went on deaf ears as my wolf hungrily tore through his skin until I felt something hard hit my back. The splinter of wood that fell beside me made me realize that someone smacked the small wooden chair desk on my back.

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I let go of Kyan’s flesh and bones to see who and saw one of the guys still holding the leg of the chair in his hand, his eyes wide with terror when I turn to stare at him. He backs away, his hands up in surrender, the wooden leg falling to the floor with a loud thud.

And then he and the others scramble away while screaming and yelling that they’ll call the cops and animal control to take care of it ‘me’. “Don’t leave me!” Kyan wailed, bringing my beast’s attention back to him.

I snarled, staring down at my masterpiece. Both his legs are torn,

torn, blood oozing out. If he didn’t get medical attention soon, he’d bleed out.

Fear clung to him like a second skin, his eyes bulging as my wolf snapped its jaws. “Wait!” He cried, lifting his hand as a way to ‘protect himself. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to scare her. I promise I wouldn’t


< have done anything else!” His eyes plead for me to not kill him but my beast is hungry for his flesh and blood, his pain. “Please man.” his voice trembles and it’s funny how he sounds completely opposite to how he had on the phone. Now he’s the one helpless, crying…begging. “Please man,” he wailed, snot running down his nostrils to the top of his lip. “Or whatever you are. Please, I swear on my life I wasn’t going to go far with her.” His cries and lies don’t register, however, a stir and a faint voice made my beast freeze. “Xade,” she called out to me, her fingers twitching as she wakes up. trol. I 1 My heart sinks. She should have been the first person I made sure was okay. But my blood lust for Kyan had completely take failed her. The realization hit me like a brick to my gut. And as I watch her frail little body trying to stir awake, I can’t help but fear that she’d see me in this state. “What did you do!?” Xander’s voice hissed behind me before another whimper from Avery made me whine. Xander looks at her in fear and then look down at Kyan whose eyes are closing slowly from blood loss. “Go.” Xander has clenches as he takes a peek behind him down the hall. No one was near, everyone was scared of me. From what I can pick up, all heartbeats were downstairs. When I made no move to leave he snapped angrily. “Go now Xade! Right the f*ck now before they come!” He emphasized on they and I knew exactly who they were. The council. As I stare at him and then Avery, I opened my mind link to 11 communicate with him. “Take care of her,” I looked back at Avery and whimpered, wishing I could hold her before leaving. But I knew it would cause more damage than good right now. “Go now little brother. You may have a head start before they catch you.” Xaden whispered in my head through the link, looking down at me sadly. “I’ll take care of her, I promise.” 100/1 02:58 11