Chapter 38 
Hunter Sparrow: 
I’ve been feeling restless ever since the discovery of my child. It started to bother me that I had said all those things to Turner. 
“I knew we were up to something wrong back when we were in the office, Net spoke up as I sat on the couch with my shirt open and a bottle of alcohol in my hands. I didn’t have any other idea how to ease this feeling of pain in my heart than to drown myself in alcohol. 
“Then why the heck didn’t you speak up?‘ I asked him, feeling a lot of pressure on my broken heart. 
“I tried to come out, probably showed myself to our son too, Net was as furious as I was. I was more angry at Reyna than I had ever been. First, she cheated on us and then hid our child. How much did she plan to hurt us? 
Then you’re the one who scared him. He saw you peer through my eyes and left in fear, I found someone to blame for my mistakes. But what was my mistake? I did what I thought was right in the moment. 
‘Hey! Don’t accuse me of anything when it was clearly you who wanted to hurt the child’s feelings, imagining that ex–mate of ours, Net wasn’t going to be fooled like the others. It was true that I got angry at Reyna and took all my anger out on her son, who at the time I had no clue was my son. 
‘Well, nothing really matters anymore, Net sighed. 

“Why not? Reyna has to answer me. Why did she run away after lying about the miscarriage? Of course, she wasn’t certain Turner was our child until the very last minute,‘ I blurted out as I was still not done venting out my emotions. 
‘Makes me wonder how our son knew. Remember how he called us ‘dad‘ that day? Ah, it breaks my heart to think he came to 
office to speak to us because he knew we were his dad, and then that whole mess happened, Net’s words only intensified my feelings. The more I remembered that day, the uglier I felt inside, 
“What are you doing? Why are you not ready yet?” The door suddenly opened, and Tara marched inside, all set to go somewhere. Seeing her face disturbed me even more. I don’t know why, but if she hadn’t come to the office that day, that whole mess wouldn’t have happened. 
“I don’t remember planning to go somewhere, I stated, staring at her through my eyebrows and then taking a sip from the bottle. 
“Ugh! Look at yourself. What are you mourning over that you don’t even remember that my father has invited us over for lunch?” she yammered in her annoying voice. She was previously ignored by her parents, and they only agreed to reconcile with her because they found out she was marrying me. I got engaged to her after I wanted to hurt Reyna, but then she never let 


She was so clingy that no matter how many times I told her I could never fall for her, she insisted she would make me. It had been years, and if anything. I disliked her THOW 
“I am not going anywhere,” I replied, making sure to watch her face for a reaction. She was so weird. Some things she had said and done when my son was in the hospital made me raise my eyebrow at her. She was defending the kid in the office, but the instant it was time Turner needed me, she was all against the idea. So, that office thing was an act? 
“Why not? My father would be very upset, she folded her arms over her chest, trying to intimidate me. 
“I am not responsible for making him happy,” I replied casually. 
“Are you doing all this because of those two? Because if so, well done, you got yourself played, she clapped and let out a taunting laugh, mentioning my son and that cheater of a mate I had once accepted. 
“Explain yourself,” I said, putting one leg over the other and moving it in anticipation. I hadn’t even straightened my 
back at 
her arrival. 
“Ugh! Don’t you get it? She is going to use that kid to hurt you. Even after she cheated on you, she thought she deserved to stay here. And once you didn’t believe her lies, she planned to run away with your child. Obviously, she feared the DNA test. If there was a one percent chance that the baby was yours, she would have been kicked out without the child. So she lied rather than give you your son. And now she must be sitting in her mansion, laughing at the fact that she won again,” her words made something twist in my heart. 
Reyna stole my son and ran away with him. Even when I met him, she didn’t once say that Turner was my son. Not to mention, looking at how similar he looked to me, I did ask her who the father was, but she looked so confident that I couldn’t even imagine he was my son. 
“Oh, I’m glad I found you two here,” my thoughts were interrupted when my mother strolled inside with a smile on her lips. 
She was carrying some bags, and it seemed like she was also ready to head somewhere. 
“Why are your all ready? I’m sorry, but my father only asked for Hunter and me,” Tara said with a sheepish grin. I didn’t know what was going on between these two, and I didn’t try to intervene. My mom had forced me into getting engaged to Tara, and she was the one who later prevented the breaking of the engagement. Every time I tried leaving Tara, my mother would come and threaten to take her own life. 
She had calmed down on her love for Tara now, but I didn’t care anymore. She wanted Tara as her daughter–in–law, so she had to deal with her now. It’s not like my mother was ever nice to Reyna. She had never left a single chance to ruin our evenings. 
“You guys are headed somewhere?” my mother’s question made it clear that she wasn’t thinking of accompanying us either. 
My father has invited us over for lunch. Where are you headed 
Tara had her arms folded over her chest. Even though Reyna betrayed me, and I had so many complaints from her now, back when she was here, I had never seen her raise her voice with my mother. I believe it was my mother’s karma for treating her wrong to have found a daughter–in–law like Tara. 
“I bought some stuff and thought maybe I could go see my grandson, as soon as mom said those words, Tara covered her mouth and then looked my way. 
“You see this, it’s like she doesn’t remember how horrible Reyna had been to us. This is what I was talking about when I said Reyna is going to use that boy to– Tara continued to utter when a hand gesture from me silenced her. 
“My son,” I corrected her, and she gulped at the realization that I wasn’t falling for her yapping. She had been talking way too much, and I was only listening to her because I believed in letting someone expose themselves with their own words 
“I called the hospital, and the doctor told me that Turner had been discharged. I want to go see my grandson, Mom took a stand, straightening her posture to order me. 
It wasn’t actually a very bad idea. If Reyna had made me uncomfortable, she shouldn’t be in peace either. Besides, my son should have me on his side. 
“Tell me you have not lost your mind like she has,” Tara insisted, placing her hands on her waist. The confident look on her face told me that she didn’t think I would listen to my mother. But she was wrong. 
“Actually, Mom, I will take a shower, and then we can go, I placed the bottle down and smiled when Tara looked so upset. 
It was time that I claim what’s mine. 
My son!