Chapter 7 “Are you trying to win my friends over by allowing them free reign of your body, Bree?” His voice is low as though he doesn’t want anybody to hear. “No, I would never…” My phone dings with an incoming text and before I can grab it out of my back pocket, Xander is reaching in to grab it, so I let him. He takes his time sliding his hand across my ass and into my pocket. He palms my cheek briefly before turning his hand and grabbing the phone. “What’s your password, Bree?” “Here, I can do it.” I go to grab it but he pulls it away and raises his brów, “What. Is. Your. Pas Purchase completed I bite my bottom lip as I stare up at him and his eyes wander to my mouth, “Eight, six, one, four.” ! He studies me for a moment before going back to my phone and tapping in the code. I see his expression go from blank to confused and then to angry, “Son of a bitch!” He lifts my phone as if he’s going to hit me. His outburst has me shrinking back and covering my head to protect it from the blow that I thought for sure was coming. When nothing happens, I peek out and realize that I’m alone once again. Grabbing the popcorn from the microwave, I head back to the family room, but as I near it, I hear Xander cursing to the others talking about the text on my phone. “The fucker has her number now, too! How the fuck did they get it?” 0.00% TH 16:25 Chapter 7 Xander sounds really pissed. 288 Wouchers “I don’t know. I haven’t found anything, even after checking the surveillance footage at the mansion. It’s as if it magically appeared.” Garrett explains. Are they really looking after me, but not wanting me to know? And if so, why do they feel the need to actually bully me? They continue to throw out possible answers but none of them make sense to me because of one major factor, I never pissed off anybody until meeting the Kings, at least not that I am aware of “So, why is this person wanting her out of Whitehaven?” Trip asks, “Have they even met Red? She is the complete opposite of trouble, she‘ s way too innocent.” Purchase completed It almost sounds like the asshole has a softness to his voice as he talks. about me, which only conf en they start arguing about stupid stuff, I decide Hot let them know that I’m on my way back into the room. When I walk in, I try to keep my face looking like it was when I was in the kitchen, I try for a scared approach, and it must work, because they don’t say anything as they take their seats from earlier. “I’ve brought the popcorn,” I go to hand it to Xander, “Can I have my phone back please?” He snatches the bowl from my hand, “No, I’m getting rid of it and will get you a new one tomorrow. “But there is nothing wrong with my phone…” He pins me with a warning look that I think is meant to scare me, only it does the exact opposite. If anything, I perceive the look ast smoldering and I find that my panties have become just a little bit damper with my arousal. 13.685 111 1625 Chapter 7 申車 288 Vouchers “Do you think I can get my new phone after school today?” I ask my stepbrother on the way to class this morning. He seems to be in a pissy mood, but he always looks that way. When he doesn’t answer, I go on, “It’s just that there is nothing to do in my room, so I like playing the games on my phone or watch shows that are streaming since I have no television in my room. Finally, he sighs, “Yeah, we can go after classes get out.” “Thank you, I appreciate it.” As irritated as I am because I’m being treated like a child, I know I need to play nice in order to get anything. He glances over at me and then nods but doesn’t say anything. Keeping his eyes on the road, he waits until he pulls up to a parking spot and turns the Rover off before turning to me, “I’m also going to take you shopping for clothes; you need a new wardrobe.” I look down at the very fashionable top and designer jeans that I’m wearing, and then look at him questioningly, “Is there something wrong with my clothes? I promise they are top of the line; my mother doesn’t allow me to wear anything else.” “If you are going to hang around us then you need to dress according to our likes.” Apparently, he’s done discussing it because he hops out and waits for me to get out before locking the Rover up. Expecting him to turn and walk the other way once we get to where the outdoor commons are, he doesn’t. Instead, he continues to walk me to my first class as he keeps watch of our surroundings. Other students make a wide berth as we walk by, some dropping their mouths when they see Xander walking with the girl that gave his friend a bloody nose. Once we get right outside the door, I turn to him, “Thank you for 29.74% Chapter 7 288 Vouchers walking me to class, Xander, but you don’t need to do this.” He glares back at me, “Don’t you think I know this?” I open my mouth to say something but then close it again when he turns and walks back in the direction in which we came. I’m completely flabbergasted over what just took place. I look around and realize that I’m not the only one wondering what happened that would have Xander Whitmore walking a girl to class. What’s even more strange is that Garrett is waiting for me when my class ends and walks me to my next class. Just as he turns to leave, I grab his arm and turn him back towards me. A few gasps are heard but they don’t deter me, “What gives, Garrett? Why are you guys suddenly walking me to class?” He gives me a cocky chuckle, “For someone as smart as you are, you sure do dumb things.” I’m taken aback for a moment; did one of the Kings just compliment me on being smart? “Why do you say that?” “Tell me Kammy, why can’t you just accept things instead of questioning everything?” Feeling a little braver than I should be, I cross my arms and stare Garrett in the eye, “Why do you all answer my questions with questions?” My right brow raises up as I wait for his answer, or question, whichever he decides on this time. It’s obvious that none of the Kings like being questioned because just like the other two, Garrett steps up into my space and lowers his voice, “If you know what is good for you, Kammy girl, you will stop asking questions and just be a good girl like we asked.” I’m staring at his lips the whole time he talks, so I’m not thinking 1647 14% ||| Chapter 7 288 Nouchers straight when I say my next words, “You demanded that I be a good girl, there’s a difference.” He wets his lips and dips his head down by my ear, “Would you prefer to deal with the consequences for being bad?” he pauses for a moment, “The others like their girls to be good, but me, I prefer my girls to be bad.” Backing away from me now that he has totally made me speechless, his cocky grin is in place, “We better get you to your next class before you’re late.” He then spins and walks aways, only stopping when he realizes that I haven’t moved. I jump into action and hurry along to follow him, not needing him to give Xander a bad report about me. “So, what the hell is up with you and the Kings?” Paxtyn asks as she Sits down at the table I’m at. My class ended up being canceled, so I decided to sit outside since it’s such a nice day. There won’t be too many of these kinds of days left with Fall right around the corner. “Honestly, I haven’t the slightest idea.” I go on to catch her up on everything as she just sits across from me, stunned. “You are living with the Kings?” She whisper yells, making a few students look our way. “Shh! I don’t need to be treated like a leper more than I already am!” “My bad, sorry.” She glances around before turning her attention to me. once again, “
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I’ve been texting you all morning since I heard that Xander walked you to your first class! Why haven’t you responded?” I groan, “Because, Xander took my phone.” Her eyes grow wide, “Tell me you are fucking kidding me right now!” 63.40% 16:25 Chapter 7 1288 Vouchers I shake my head, “No, he took it last night after I received a text and he’s taking me to get a new one today. Why?” Her face is a little flushed, “I might have joked around about the two of you being an item.” I can’t help but chuckle, “I’m sure he will love that if he sees it.” “Never mind that, what was the text about that he needed to take your phone away?” She asks a bit puzzled. t as soon “I don’t know, I never saw the text. He took it from my as it dinged.” It really is a losing battle living with these guys. Only eight more days and then I can move back home, thank God! “Do you think it’s the person who left you that note? Maybe they sent another threat, and he didn’t want you to see it and worry.” Nodding, I doodle on the sheet of paper in front of me, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s who it was, but don’t you think that I have a right to know?” Paxtyn’s shoulders move up and down in a shrug. “The men around. her are super protective like that I’ve noticed.” She doesn’t elaborate any more as I watch surprise reflect in her eyes. “What the fuck are you doing out here instead of being in class?” Xander growls from behind me. I turn and look up at his tall frame looming over me, “My class was canceled, what was I supposed to do?” The tick in his jaw begins to subside and then he looks over at the other person at my table, “Thanks for sitting with her Pax, but we have to go now.” 2922 16:25 Chapter 7 288 Mouchers I’m surprised by the nickname he calls her and suddenly, she’s wearing a warm smile, “It’s not a problem. Uh, I was wondering, would it be okay if I came by to hang with Kambree sometime?” He looks between the two of us, “I’m sure that would be okay, but give me at least a day’s notice…and not today or tomorrow.” My new friend grins, “Deal, how about the day after?” He rolls his eyes, “Whatever,” he grabs my books up off the table, “Come on, let’s go.” I quickly wave bye to Paxtyn then practically jog to keep up with my stepbrother as he takes big strides across the campus grounds. 93 87%