Tina walked into the room and started to collect drink orders. It baffled Charlie that she hadn’t memorised them by now. 

“How about you, Charlie?” Tina asked. Charlie’s first instinct was to order a coke. But she changed her mind. 
“A gimlet please, Tina,” she answered. Tina nodded and disappeared. They continued to play games and talk. After four games, Charlie was starting to get the hang of the game. 
“Let’s order food and talk business,” Henry said. The other nodded. After receiving their food, they told Tina not to come around unless they called for her. Vidar had reluctantly let Charlie sit in her own chair while they ate. Millard was still giving them the stink eye, but Charlie didn’t care. 
“The pack on Harver street wants a formal meeting with the maiden,” Adisa said. 
“No,” Vidar told him. 
“Vidar,” Charlie reprimanded him. “Would it be okay if I did?” she asked Adisa. He smiled at Vidar and then at her. 
“It would,” he told her and lowered his head in a confirmative gesture. “They won’t hurt you. They would like to formally introduce their pack,” he added. 
“I don’t like it,” Vidar said. 
“I don’t think anyone missed it the first time,” Nasir said with a chuckle. 
“Don’t tease him,” Charlie told Nasir, then she turned to Vidar. “That’s the werewolf I met on Friday, right?” she asked him. 
“Yes,” he huffed. She nodded. 
“Then I think it would be okay. When do they want to meet and where?” she asked Adisa. 
“Good, the when and where is up to us,” Adisa told her. 
“I’m free on Sunday,” she offered. 
“We can use “La petite cuisine‘, we can close it down for the night,” Henry offered. 
“You own “La petite cuisine‘?” Charlie asked. It was one of the best restaurants in the city. Despite its popularity, it had stayed small and intimate. Couples booked valentine dinners. and romantic evenings there years in advanced. 
“It’s one of my better investments,” Henry admitted. 
“I want Caine and my men stationed there when the meeting takes place,” Vidar insisted. The 
others nodded. 
“We will all bring some men,” Nasir said. 
“I thought this was safe.” Charlie heard how nervous she sounded. 
“It’s just a precaution. I have told you we a territorial. It’s more to show off than because we expect trouble,” Vidar explained, taking her hand. She nodded. O 
“We also need to talk about the….” Henry started and glanced at Charlie, then at Vidar. 
“One moment,” Vidar said and took Charlie out in the pass leading to the back room. 
“What’s going on?” she asked. 
“We are going to discuss some things which aren’t quite legal. We’re fine with you staying, but if you want to stay clean and don’t be part of it, it’s okay. You can go and spend some time with your friend in the kitchen and I’ll get you when we are done,” Vidar told her. Charlie looked at him and thought about it. It was sweet of them to respect her and to consider her wish. She wasn’t sure what to do. She had always been law–abiding, to the of dreaming about working to protect people against criminals. But could she stay in Vidar’s life and ignore that part of him? No, if this was going to work, she couldn’t put her head in the sand. 
“I would like to listers in, if that is okay” she told him. He nodded, k*ssed her, and took her back inside. 
“She’s staying” he said, holding her chair as she sat down. Everyone, except from Millard, 
nodded approvingly 
“Well, then. We need to discuss the delivery of the guns. My men inspected it and all the zurs they have checked so far have been faulty,” Henry said. Adisa swore in a language Charlie had never heard. At least she thought it was a swear word. The discussion started and Charlie listened and tried to get a grip on the situation. Apparently, the clan had a firm grip on the gun smuggling in the city and most of the country. Something had gone wrong with the last delivery 
“Henry and I will book a meeting with the supplier. We’ll give you an update next week,” Adisa concluded. The others agreed and looked at Charlie. She realised they were waiting for her approvall She nodded, and they looked satisfied. 
“Anything else?” Jun asked. No one spoke. “Let’s call the waitress and get some drinks. I think it’s time for Charlie to give the cards a try,” he said. There was a round of agreement and soon Charlie was trying her luck with the assistants of Vidar. It didn’t go nearly as well as when Vidar had played, but she liked in. 
A couple of hours later, she was walking out of the bar with Vidar and Henry. She waved goodbye to lenni and then to Robert 
I see the two of you on Sunday, Vidar, I will get in touch so we can coordinate the men,” Henry said. 
Thank you. Henry. And thank you for a fun night,” Charlie said. 
“My pleasure.” Henry said and went his way after sharing a nod with Vidar. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Vidar asked as they walked to the car where Malcom waited. 
“I did. Hello Malcom, thank you,” she said and slid into the car. Vidar put his arm around her and pulled her closer. 
“Vidar, I can’t use the seatbelt,” she pointed out. He looked at the belt and frowned, but let her go so she could put it on and then took her hand in his. 
“I don’t want you to get hurt, but I find it difficult to have such a large space between us,” he told her. She smiled and looked at the part of the middle seat that was between them, barely large enough for another person. 
“I’m sure we will survive,” she told him. He looked like he considered it. 
“Why take the chance?” he asked and moved to her side, wrapping his arm around her. 
“Vidar! Now you can’t use the seatbelt,” she told him. 
“That’s okay, I’m tougher than I look,” he said with a smile and k*ssed her. “I have been on my best behaviour all evening. I don’t like to hold back when it comes to you,” he added, k*ssing her again. Charlie couldn’t argue. She just smiled and relaxed into him. 
“Are you okay with meeting the werewolves?” he asked. 
“Yes, they didn’t seem aggressive the last time we met and the clan will make sure I’m safe,” she told him. She still had a hard time understanding that the six men would go to so much trouble for her. 
“We will. But I want you to feel comfortable as well. If you want to wait until stepping further into our world, that’s okay.” 
“Is this because of Burt?” she asked. Vidar growled. 
“That f**king mutt has his eyes on you,” he said, tightening his grip around her. 
“Yeah, yeah. You know he has no chance, right?” Vidar looked down at her and his frowned turned into a smirk. 
“Is that so?” 
“Keep that ego in check, but yes. I only have eyes for you,” she told him and tugged on the collar of his shirt to make him bend down so she could reach his lips for a k*ss. 
“I will keep that in mind. It might be the only thing keeping me from ending him if he looks at you the same way he did in that hole in the wall he calls a pub,” he said, k*ssing her nose. Vidar’s phone rang and he looked at it and frowned. “It’s Millard,” he told her and answered. “Yes?” Charlie could only hear one side of the conversation, but it was clear Vidar wasn’t happy, and she had a feeling it was about her. “I don’t care, Millard. I’m not going to base my decisions on what you think. I know you’re young and you have things to learn, but stop behaving like a f**king moody teenager and accept you’re not always going to get your way,” Vidar barked. There was a pause, and Charlie looked out the window and waited for Vidar’s next reply. “I’m not. Why should I be sorry? Get a f**king grip and stop whining.” Another pause. “Fine, do as you wish,” Vidar said, hanging up and putting his phone away as they entered the garage to his apartment. They didn’t say anything until they were in the elevator. 
“Am I causing problems?” Charlie asked. She found it hard to look at Vidar. She heard him take a deep breath, and she got the impression he was forcing himself to relax. 
“No, lilla lo. Millard is acting like a spoilt child,” he told her and made her look at him. 
“But he is acting like this because of me,” she insisted. Vidar k*ssed her forehead and took her hand as they walked into his apartment. He brought her to the couch in the livingroom and sat down with her straddling his lap so they could look at each other. 
“You are his first maiden. He is having a hard time handling the emotions a maiden can cause in us. But that is his issue. It’s not your fault,” he told her. 
“Is there something I can do? Some way I can behave?” she asked. Vidar huffed and rubbed her back. 
“No. He needs to learn that just because we want something doesn’t mean it will automatically belong to him. One of the downsides of the amount of attention and care a vampire child gets is that if the parents are too soft, the child ends up spoiled,” he told her. 
“And he’s a yuppy. They are, by definition, entitled,” she said. Vidar smiled. 
“That’s true. Don’t let him get to you. All vampires, to be honest, all magical species, are hard wired to feel drawn to a maiden. But you don’t see anyone else acting like you are theirs by default.” 
“Except for you,” she told him. 
“Don’t compare me to him, Charlie.” Vidar almost sounded pained. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you aren’t like him,” she apologised and k*ssed him. 
“I would have let you go if you asked me. I still would if I thought it was what you wanted,” he told her as he ran his hands through her hair, looking into her eyes. Charlie felt a pang of pain in her heart and she felt panicked at the thought. 
“I know, but I don’t want that,” she told him. He nodded and k*ssed her.